Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam : A Thousand Names of the Preserver and Their Benefits

(Viewed 4773 times since Nov 2023)

Amongst the many paths that Hinduism has offered the Bhaktas to reach their gods, stotras or hymns are the most simple yet effective prayers. Chanted lyrically, during Pratah (morning) or Sandhya (evening) Puja, stotras of deities have innumerable benefits and are key to the spiritual and material quest of devotees. The stotra of a divinity is essentially a collection of their many names.

The most popular among these are 108 names or ashttotarshatanam and 1000 names or Sahastranamas, chanted with reverence. Within the many sahastranamas, Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam reigns supreme in the Puja-vidhi of Hindus, who repeat the thousand names of the mighty preserver god to attain goals ranging from success in business to spiritual upliftment.

Vishnu Sahasranama in Epics and Puranas

The thousand names of Sri Vishnu, Vishnu Sahasranama or Sahastranamavali, comes from the episode of the legendary Mahabharata, where Bhishma Pitamaha is taking his last breaths and is visited by the eldest Pandava Yuddhishthira, who urges him to give him lessons in Dharma. The story occurs in the Anushasana Parva of Mahabharata and is reiterated in Srimad Bhagavada, Padma Purana, and several other Vaishnava Puranas.

In response to Yuddhishthira’s six questions, Bhishma unveils to him the glories of the supreme being, Sri Krishna as the form of Vishnu, who is the most powerful and omnipresent divine one. His name is the path to liberation, Moksha, and singing his glories gives Mukti to anyone who chants or listens to them. 

The Greatness of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam

The vidhi or methods of worshipping Vishnu and any other divinity in Hinduism are uncountable. Yet, Vishnu Sahasranamam is held in the highest regard by the sages and devotees. The Phalashruti or fruits of reciting the Stotra are beyond the human realm, and give results in this birth and the next.

The powers of Vishnu Sahasranamam are divine because it does not require any resources or medium to chant this hymn. It is a personal way of showing devotion to the Lord.

The rules of desha (place) and kaala (time) followed in every other ritualistic practice do not apply on the chant of Vishnu Sahasranamam.

Everyone can chant the Thousand Names of Vishnu. The barriers of caste, gender, and creed do not apply to the worship of Sri Vishnu through his Sahasranamam.

How to Chant Vishnu Sahasranamam?

The thousand names of Sri Vishnu can either be chanted separately or as a part of the larger rituals. Individual names are also recited during archana or worshipping with floral offerings. 

The recitation of Vishnu Sahasranamam in Sanskrit begins with the name of the rishi (who first received the hymn), devata (god to whom the hymn is dedicated), and Chanda (poetic meter in which the hymn was composed). In the case of Vishnu Sahsranamam, the rishi is Vedavyasa, the devata is Narayana and the Chanda is Anustubh.

The second step is viniyoga or the aim of reciting the hymn. Usually, the Sahasranamam is chanted to gain spiritual powers and worship Vishnu, but in case one has a particular goal in mind, it is remembered and kept in mind while a thousand names are repeated.

After this, dhyana or meditation is done through Dhyana-shloka or meditation hymn, which in the case of Vishnu Sahasranamam are nine in number, all of which are chanted.

At last, the thousand names are recited with devotion and keeping the chavi (image) of Vishnu in mind.

Benefits of Vishnu Sahasranamam

Bhishma on his death bed, while bestowing the Thousand Names of Vishnu on Yuddhishthira, tells him that Narayana is the one who leads the soul on the way of Moksha, and his name cuts the noose of human bonds, uplifting one to spiritual pinnacle. Each name from the Sahasranamam is a potent ocean of wisdom and strength, and the recitation of the names creates a Kavacha or shield around the devotee, which protects them from the negativity of the world. 

☸ Fulfils all Wishes- Vishnu is “Kamanapradah”- he who fulfills desires or Kaamana. Chanting the Sahasranamam thus leads to the attainment of all material and spiritual desires. 

☸ Gives Victories in All Feilds- He is “Anantajit”- eternally victorious. Repeating his name is believed to bring victory in any task one puts their mind to. 

☸ Leads to Success in Professional Life- Revered as “Sthanadaya”, Vishnu and his Thousand Names provide status and high positions in life. 

☸ Showers Abundance- “Ratnagarbha” or the womb of wealth, Vishnu is the abode of Sri Lakshmi. Chanting his Sahasranamam is the source of universal and unending wealth and luxuries. 

☸ Sharpens the Mind- Narayana is “Medhavee”- one who holds a sharp wisdom. Remembering his Thousand Names brings pure wisdom and knowledge to the devotee, and success to students. 

☸ Liberation- “Pranava” or Om, which is the origin of the Universe and source of powers of sages, gods, and humans is an extension of Vishnu’s aura. The recital of Vishnu Sahasranamam is the way to attain liberation or Moksha. For the devotees on the path to supreme truth, Vishnu’s names are the guiding light. 

At the end of the Sahasranamam, the Phalashruti, or fruits of recitation have been listed. Though the fruits of Vishnu’s devotion are unending, to put it simply, the repetition of his Thousand Names fulfills any wish that the Bhakta has, from wealth to success at work, from strength to peace, from worldly pleasures to spiritual gains, everything is attainable with the remembrance of Vishnu’s Thousand Names.

Ocean in a Drop: The Fruit of Vishnu Sahasranamam in One Mantra

If your routine does not allow you the time to chant the entire Sahasranamam every day, do not worry. Our ancient scriptures have a solution to everything. The “Ekashloki Vishnu Sahasranamam” or Single Hymned Vishnu Sahasranamam is for those who can not recite the Thousand Names daily. Chanting this hymn is equal to the recital of the Thousand Names, and is the bestower of fruits similar to those given by the Sahasranamam. 

'नमो स्तवन अनंताय सहस्त्र मूर्तये, सहस्त्रपादाक्षि शिरोरु बाहवे।

सहस्त्र नाम्ने पुरुषाय शाश्वते, सहस्त्रकोटि युग धारिणे नम:।। 

(Namo Stavana Anantaye Sahasra Moortaye, Sahasrapadakshi Shiroru Baahave

Sahasra naamne Purushaye shashvate, Sahasrakoti yuga dharine Namah)

The mantra evokes the eternal form of Vishnu, who is Ananta (endless), with Thousand forms, thousand limbs, Sashvata (eternal) and the omnipresent god who rules over a Thousand Yugas. 

Intrigued by the glories of Vishnu and Vishnu Sahasranamam? Looking for Vishnu Sahasranamam in Hindi or with English translations? Want to understand the profound meaning of the Sanskrit lyrics of Vishnu Sahasranamam? Explore Exotic India’s rich collection of Vishnu Sahasranamam in original Sanskrit with translations in Hindi, English, and regional Indian languages, and immerse yourself in the Bhakti of Sri Hari.

What is Vishnu Sahasranamam?

Ans- Vishnu Sahasranamam or Vishnu Sahasranamavali is the hymn containing 1000 names of Sri Hari Vishnu. 

Where is Vishnu Sahsranamam found?

Ans- Vishnu Sahasranamam is mentioned in the Mahabharata’s Anushasana Parva, where Bhisham narrates the powers of Sri Vishnu to Yuddhishthira. 

Who can recite Vishnu Sahsranamam?

Ans- Anyone who wants to worship Vishnu can chant the Vishnu Sahasranamam since it is a sacred hymn beyond the rules of time and space. 

Which language is Vishnu Sahasranamam written in?

Ans- The original hymn of Vishnu Sahasranamam is in pure Sanskrit. There are translations available in Hindi, English, and other languages. 

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