The Path to Moksha : Most Important Concepts in Hinduism

(Viewed 6906 times since Dec 2021)

Moksha in Hinduism means liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara), achieving unity with Brahman. It involves transcending suffering and material attachments through self-realization, right living, and spiritual practices like Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyana Yoga, and Raja Yoga, leading to ultimate freedom and enlightenment. This blog is an overview of the idea of Moksha in Hinduism, the final Purushartha or goal of life.

Journey to Liberation: Key Concepts in Hinduism on the Road to Moksha

Moksha is one of the most important concepts in Hinduism. Also called Mukti, vimoksha, and vimukti, it is based on the belief in dukkha and samsara and refers to the freedom from these two notions. Before one can comprehend moksha, one first needs to understand what both dukkha and samsara are. To put it simply and succinctly, within the Hindu faith, dukkha is related to suffering, sorrow, or distress that one unavoidably experiences in life.

This suffering can be in the form of injury, disease, and ageing, among others. Dukkha or suffering in life cannot be avoided but can be overcome through personal understanding and enlightenment. On the other hand, samsara refers to the belief in reincarnation. It pertains to the cyclical nature of life, where one experiences birth, death, and rebirth. For Hindus, this is a very important concept and one that is related to the idea of karma.


From Death to Birth (Understanding Karma and Reincarnation)

What is Moksha in Hinduism?

Moksha comes from the Sanskrit word muc, which means to be free, to let go, to liberate, or to release. It is a truly vital concept in the Hindu faith. In fact, it is considered as one of the four main goals or arthas of human life. The other three arthas are dharma, which means living a moral and virtuous life, artha, which refers to one’s means in life or material security, and kama, which relates to emotional fulfillment. These four notions are collectively referred to as Purusartha. Among the four arthas, moksha is said to be the very transcendence and the most paramount of them all.

Wheel of Life

Aatma, Karma, and Freedom from Cycle of Birth and Death

Hindus believe that the soul passes from one life to the next through the process of reincarnation, where the next incarnation or form that a soul takes on is based on one’s own actions or inactions, and the deeds that one accomplishes throughout his or her life. This, as many know, is commonly understood and referred to as karma.

This concept underscores the belief that one is directly responsible for the good or bad karma that he or she attains in life and the consequences of these that will affect one’s future life and the quality of his or her existence. Moksha is then believed to be the end of this continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, which thereupon leads to the absence of any further suffering that one would have ultimately experienced throughout this life cycle.

The concept of Moksha does not solely mean the end of the cycle of samsara but it means one’s actual liberation and emancipation from it. Moksha is not only believed by Hindus but it is a concept of freedom and liberation that also exists within Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, and other religious faiths.


Trivarga Siddhanta (Dharma, Artha and Kama)

Moksha in Other Religious Beliefs

In Buddhism, it is often closely associated with the concept of nirvana. However, many highlight the fact that there are distinct differences between moksha and nirvana. Different schools of Hinduism have varying beliefs on whether one can achieve moksha during one’s current life or only after it. The Samskya and Yoga schools of Hinduism are among those which assert that moksha can be achieved during the current life.

On the other hand, the Nyaya, Vaisesika, and Mimamsa schools, among others, contradict this and argue that moksha is only possible after death. Apart from varying views on when one can achieve moksha, there are also varying philosophies on how it can actually be achieved.


मोक्ष मार्ग - Moksha Marg

How to Achieve Moksha?

Some Hindus believe that moksha can be achieved through natural self-discipline. This type of discipline is said to be so natural and perfect that it is already sub-conscious and is akin to the practice of dharma. Therefore, the dharma itself, the act of living a virtuous path, and ethical actions are the means to attaining moksha.

Other schools of Hinduism give emphasis on love and veneration of God as the means to moksha. It is also claimed that moksha is the existence of the state of paripurna-brahmanubhava, where one experiences complete harmony and unity with Brahma. Alternatively, many believe that nishkaam karma, or actions done without the desire for the fruit is a life-long sacrifice or Yagya, at the end of which the person is eligible to attain Moksha.


Moksha in Visishtadvaita Philosophy

Bandha and Moksha: Bondage and Liberation

When we speak of Moksha or freedom, the question arises, what do we need freeing from? Bandha or Bandhana (bondage) is a common term in ancient Indian philosophy used to explain a state of unawareness or false knowledge, where the aatman or jeeva (individual) is bonded to the world and its Maya (divine illusion).

Avidya, mithyajnana, ajnana, or agyana (false knowledge) are mentioned as the reasons behind bondage. Most people continue to exist in this state and move through cycles of death and rebirth, constantly traveling in Samsara, in different species and states of existence based on their karma.

To move away from the cycle of life and death, a person needs divine wisdom, gained through Yoga or practice, through which the darkness of untruth is removed and the light of truth is revealed. Through Bhakti (devotion), Gyana (knowledge), Karma (action), and Dhyana (meditation) the path of Moksha becomes visible. When a person becomes aware that the world is governed by Moha (delusion) and rises above it, they become one with the supreme truth or Param Brahman and attain Moksha.

What is the concept of Moksha in Hinduism?

Moksha is the final liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara) in Hindu philosophy. It is a state of eternal bliss, self-realization, and union with the divine, free from worldly desires and suffering. Moksha signifies the realization of one’s true self (Atman) and its unity with the universal consciousness (Brahman).

How do you achieve Moksha?

Moksha can be achieved through spiritual practices, self-discipline, and self-realization. This includes Karma (action), Bhakti (devotion), Dhyana (meditation), and Gyana (knowledge).

What are the 4 paths to Moksha in Hinduism?

Karma Yoga (right action), Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Gyana Yoga (following true wisdom) and Raja Yoga (meditation) are four paths to Moksha in Hinduism.

Is Moksha a Karma?

No, Moksha is not a Karma, but a Purushartha or goal, one of the 4 cardinal goals of Hindu life. Moksha is the state beyond Karma, when one is free of the effects of Karma (action) as well as the desire of action or Karmaphala.

Are Moksha and Nirvana the same?

Moksha and Nirvana though similar concepts, have certain differences. Moksha is a Hindu concept, of the liberation of the soul or aatman through oneness with the supreme being or Brahman. Nirvana is a popular concept in Buddhism, representing enlightenment that ends suffering and transcends a person from samsara or the circle of life and death.

What is Kaivalya?

Kaivalya is a concept in Yoga and Samkhya philosophy that signifies complete isolation or detachment of the self (Purusha) from the material world (Prakriti). It is the ultimate realization of independence and liberation, similar to Moksha but often emphasizing personal self-realization over union with a divine entity. Alternatively, it is used in Jainism to describe supreme, perfect wisdom that frees the person from the world.


Whether or not moksha can actually be attained in the present life or only after death, and whichever precise path one follows in order to reach it, there is little debate on the belief that moksha refers to the end of samsara, the spirit’s liberation from it, and the state of perfection. It is described as a blissful state where there can no longer be any change and certainly no further reincarnations. It is the ultimate goal of all Hindus to gain knowledge of one’s true self, attain personal enlightenment, and consequently, achieve moksha.

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  • I want to know more about moksha
    Sharmila Lata September 25, 2023