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The Future Buddha of the world, Maitreya to form and stipulate the mighty attainment of Dharma

Maitreya, also called Maitreya Buddha, is viewed as the future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. As the fifth and last Buddha, Maitreya's objective is to reestablish Dharma. In all parts of Buddhism, Maitreya is seen as the immediate replacement of Gautama Buddha. In some Buddhist writing, for example, in the Amitabha Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, the being is alluded to as Ajita. 

As per Buddhist practice, Maitreya is a bodhisattva who is forecasted to show up on Earth, accomplish total Enlightenment, and show the path of Dharma. As indicated by sacred texts, Maitreya's lessons will be like those of Gautama Buddha or the Shakyamuni Buddha.

The appearance of Maitreya is forecasted to happen during a period when the lessons of Gautama Buddha have been forgotten by the majority of the earthbound world. Maitreya, in Buddhist custom, as of now lives in Tushita paradise. Maitreya is the earliest bodhisattva around whom a clique has been created and is referenced in sacred writings from the third century CE. 

The coming of Maitreya

Maitreya's coming to the material world will be portrayed by various physical occasions. The seas are anticipated to diminish in size, permitting Maitreya to unreservedly navigate them. Maitreya will then, at that point, once again introduce genuine dharma to the world. Maitreya's appearance will connote the finish of the middle time, the time between the fourth Buddha, Gautama Buddha, and the fifth Buddha, Maitreya, which is seen as depressing times of human life.

As per the Cakkavatti Sutta: The Wheel-turning Emperor, Digha Nikaya 26 of the Sutta Pitaka of the Pāli Canon, Maitreya Buddha will be brought into the world in when people will live to an age of 80,000 years, in the city of Ketumatī (present Varanasi), whose ruler will be the Cakkavattī Sankha. Sankha will reside in the castle where King Mahāpanadā once lived, yet later he will part with the castle and will himself become a supporter of Maitreya Buddha.

The sacred texts say that Maitreya will accomplish bodhi in seven days, because of his many existences of preparation for buddhahood like those revealed in the Jataka stories. Prominent teaching he will begin disseminating is that of the ten non-virtuous deeds (killing, stealing, abusive sexual behavior, lying, troublesome discourse, covetousness, oppressive speech, idle speech, divisive speech, and wrong perspectives) and the ten ethical deeds (the relinquishment of killing, stealing, abusive sexual behavior, lying, troublesome discourse, covetousness, oppressive speech, idle speech, divisive speech, and wrong perspectives).

Maitreya will be brought into the world to the Brahmanas, Tubrahmā (father), and Brahmavadi (mother) in Ketumatī, which will be governed by King Saṅkha, a Chakravarti. Maitreya's wife will be Princess Sandamukkhī. His child will be Brahmavaṁsa. After the introduction of his child, Maitreya will leave to embrace asceticism. He will rehearse for 7 days. After the training, he will be enlightened under a Mesua ferrea tree. The devotees of Maitreya Buddha are:

  • Asoka, an Agraśrāvaka and the right-hand chief devotee

  • Brahmadeva, an Agraśrāvaka and the left-hand chief devotee

  • Sumana, the right-hand Agasāvikā

  • Padumā, the left-hand Agasāvikā

  • Sīha, an essential attendant


Q1. What does the name “Maitreya” mean?

The name Maitreya is gotten from the Sanskrit word maitrī "companionship", which is thusly gotten from the word, Mitra "companion".

Q2. How is Maitreya Buddha depicted?

In the Greco-Buddhist craft of Gandhara, Maitreya is depicted as a northern Indian aristocrat, holding a Kumbha in his left hand. This can also be a "wisdom urn". He is accompanied by his two acolytes on either side, the siblings Asanga and Vasubandhu, who established the Yogacara custom.