42" Superfine Lord Krishna Bronze Statue | Handmade Authentic Indian Craft
42.5 inch Height x 22 inch Width x 14 inch Depth
Finely Engraved Krishna-Lila Panel
28 inch Height x 95 inch Width X 3.6 inch Depth
Lord Venugopala And The Cow, The Very Picture Of Bhakti
52.5 inch Height x 26 inch Width X 9.5 inch Depth
Krishna Subdues Kaliya (Large Size)
36.5 inch Height x 14 inch Width x 3.5 inch Depth
Superfine Tribhanga Krishna Murari Amuses His Friend, The Cow
32.50 inch Height x 21.00 inch Width x 17.00 inch Depth
Temple Krishna With Kirtimukha Aureole, Surrounded By Friends Beloved
40.50 inch Height x 24.50 inch Width x 13.00 inch Depth
Super Large Size Cosmic Form of Venugopala (Fluting Krishna)
90 inch Height x 37.2 inch Width x 11.5 inch Depth
Superfine Bronze Krishna On a Lotus Pedestal - Large Size
30.00 inch Height x 15.00 inch Width x 13.00 inch Depth
Blue-Hued Krishna Charms with His Flute
82.3 inch Height x 38 inch Width X 12.5 inch Depth
Krishna's Victory Dance on Kaliya
37 inch Height x 14.5 inch Width x 3.5 inch Depth
Large Size Cosmic Krishna With Aureole Made of Peacocks
45.7 inch Height x 31.5 inch Width x 9 inch Depth
Large Size Lord Krishna Playing on Flute
29 inch Height x 10.2 inch Width x 5.2 inch Depth
Large Size Venugopala (Fluting Krishna)
60 inch Height x 29 inch Width X 9 inch Depth
Lord Krishna with Cow (Large Size)
48 inch Height x 23.6 inch Width x 7.5 inch Depth
Fluting Krishna with His Cow
36.5 inch Height x 14.2 inch Width X 4 inch Depth
Murli Krishna (Large Size)
36 inch Height x 17.2 inch Width x 7 inch Depth
Dancing Radha Krishna (Large Size)
36 inch Height x 14.5 inch Width X 3.6 inch Depth
Large Size Radha-Krishna
45 inch Height x 22 inch Width X 8 inch Depth
Krishna - The Enchanter
53.5 inch x 29.5 inch x 9.0 inch
Vishnu with Bhudevi and Shridevi with Rama and Krishna (Panel)
18 inch Height x 42 inch Width X 2.5 inch Depth
Radha Krishna (Large Size)
36 inch Height x 14.5 inch Width x 3.7 inch Depth
Radha Sports with Krishna as He Overturns Her Pitcher of Milk
36.0 inch x 15.0 inch x 3.5 inch
Fluting Krishna with Floral Aureole
60 inch x 16.5 inch x 4.5 inch
Krishna's Tandava (Shrimad Bhagavatam 10.16.30)
Venu-Vadaka Krishna
48 inch x 20 inch x 8 inch
Radha Krishna
47.5 inch X 30 inch X 10.5 inch
Murali Krishna with His Cow
35.5 inch x 18 inch x 7 inch
Large Size Shri Krishna with His Cow
36 inch x 18 inch x 7 inch
Radha and Krishna Dancing
36.5 inch X 17.5 inch X 5.7 inch
Radha's Exuberance in Response to Krishna's Melody
36 inch X 19 inch X 6 inch
Venugopala: Enrapt Cow and Her Master
36 inch X 15 inch X 3.5 inch
Fluting Krishna with His Cow
47.5 inches X 23.5 inches X 7.5 inches
Radha's Exuberance in Response to Krishna's Melody
36 inch X 20 inch X 5.5 inch
Venugopal with Radha
59.0" X 21.0" X 5.0"
Venu-Vadaka Krishna
47.5 inches X 22.0 inches X 7.0 inches
Krishna as Vishnu Blowing His Flute
35 inch X 17.5 inch X 6.4 inch
Krishna as Vishnu Blowing His Flute
35.0 inch X 18.0 inch X 7.0 inch
Navaneeta Krishna
35.0" X 17.5" X 7.0"
Krishna Playing on Flute | South Indian Temple Wood Carving
35.0 inch X 14.0 inch X 5.8 inch
Lord Krishna, Absorbed in Playing His Flute
32.0 inch X 15.0 inch X 6.0 inch
Venugopala: Enrapt Cow and Her Master
36.0 inches X 14.5 inches X 4.0 inches
Fluting Krishna
36.0" X 18.0" X 6.0"
Fluting Krishna with Peacock Aureole
48.0" X 23.5" X 8.5"
Lord Vishnu Panel with Dancing Radha Krishna
Blue Bodied Fluting Krishna
5.0 ft X 1.4 ft X 0.3 ft
Radha Krishna
37.0" X 19.5" X 6.5"
Venugopala with His Cow
36.0" X 18.0" X 7.0"
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Filter by Price ($520 - $85500)

Feel your heartbeat sing praises of the God who won everyone’s heart, Lord Krishna

A child, a sibling, a charioteer, a fighter, a supporter, a guru, a cowherd, a messenger, the cherished of the gopis- throughout his life, Krishna played countless roles — the entire time always remembering that they were only, roles and that his real essence was everlasting consciousness.

In his 125 years of life, Sri Krishna left a permanent imprint on humankind's shared awareness — educating the world about dedication and dharma as well as a definitive reality. His life was a model for individuals in days past, the world as we know it now, and definitely for those in ages to come.

Krishna is the representation of the preeminent magnificence and euphoria of life. He is an image of extravagance, excellence, and joy. He trains us to experience our yoga; meaning, to remain in association with God. He additionally advises us to do our dharma: our assigned obligation with regards to work.

Devaki (Lord Krishna's mom) represents the actual body, while Vasudeva (Lord Krishna's dad) represents the Prana (the essential life force). When prana ascends to the body, happiness (Krishna) is conceived. That is the reason Krishna is called Nandalala - one who is the exemplification of delight. Inside this little body, a devotee can encounter the endless space (through spiritual practices). 

There are important parts in your life that can be aided by acquiring specific Krishna sculptures. Assuming there is a birth of another child happening before long a devotee should bring a child rendition of Krishna. If they are in the search of a decent  Krishna sculpture for their home to usher great energy into their home, they will need a Krishnva statue with a calf. These two sacred creatures will present them with blessings and stable life.


Q1. In which direction should a statue of Lord Krishna be placed?

A statue of Lord Krishna works best when it is put in the Northeast corner of the home. A true devotee should place the sculpture either East to West, or West to East, however never North to South. As the Feng Shui rules, this arrangement recognizes the Krishna sculpture and permits the energy to remain good.

Depending upon the size and height of the statue of Lord Krishna, the spot it should be placed and its position off the floor and away from the roof matter. The devotee will need to put a smaller sculpture at eye level any place they decide to place it. It is advisable to never place a Krishna sculpture in a restroom or bedroom. 

Q2. What are the benefits of keeping a Lord Krishna statue at home?

In the Hindu religion, Krishna is known as the Lord of adoration, riches, and success. By bringing a statue of Krishna into their house, a devotee is welcoming every one of the positive energy Krishna brings. The devotee should have a clear knowledge about the placing and positioning of the statue so as to be blessed considerably.

They should remember that the statue of Lord Krishna is a sacred religious symbol. Approaching it with respect is a good plan to ensure it makes the home look wonderful and welcoming yet, in addition, presents to the devotee the blessing of wealth and positive energy Krishna is known for.

Q3. Can we keep baby Krishna idol at home?

Yes, keeping the idol or deity of Lord Krishna in His childhood form (Bal Gopal or Laddu Gopal) at home is considered very auspicious. This form of Shri Krishna manifests in the deity or Archa-Vigraha to accept parental affection in the mood of a servant from the conditioned souls of this material world.

In fact, it is mentioned in the Vedic injunctions that the goal of the human form of life is to serve Lord Shri Krishna with love and devotion. Therefore, make sure that you serve the deity of baby Krishna as if serving your own child.

Q4. Can we gift Bal Krishna idol?

There is no difference between the deity (Archa Vigraha) and the original Personality of Lord Shri Krishna and thus, He must be served with utmost love and devotion. Therefore, there is nothing wrong in gifting the Bal Krishna idol or deity to your friends or relatives, provided they are capable or are willing to serve Him according to the Vedic injunctions i.e. without committing any offenses.