7.20 inch Height X 3.20 inch Width X 3.00 inch Depth
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7.20 inch Height X 3.20 inch Width X 3.00 inch Depth
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5.50 inch Height X 8.00 inch Width X 5.50 inch Depth
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Brass Feng Shui Sculptures

Feng Shui is about the winds and the waters. It is about the mystical force that binds each one of us to the other and to our respective surroundings. More esoteric than scientific, Exotic India's handpicked collection of brass Feng Shui sculptures will make superb additions to your home or office.

Each of these are of great spiritual significance and will bring about in your interiors an aura of harmony like no ordinary showpiece. From glittering gold to a red glaze to richly coloured inlays, Exotic India's Feng Shui sculptures come in a variety of finish to suit your tastes.

Q1. Where statues should be placed at home?


The statue should always face the east / North-East direction to stimulate the energy of the corner.


For example


The statue of Buddha should face the east direction. Avoid keeping it in the bathroom, storeroom, and laundry room.


Vastu pyramid in the northeast/southwest corner to improve the overall well-being of the people in the house.


As per Vastu, a pair of white galloping horses in the North or North West zone.


According to Vastu, a home should not have any God or Goddess's idol or sculpture that is more than nine inches in height. If not worshiped like they are worshiped in a temple, may have a negative implication.

Q2. Which bird is good for Vastu?


As per Vastu Shastra, parrots are considered to be lucky as they bring good health and love to the occupants of the house. Parrots should always be kept in their cage in the North, North-West, North-East, or East direction.


Pigeons or Doves:  considered to be very auspicious.


The Peacock:  considered to be a symbol of good luck, status, wealth, beauty, and wisdom


Precaution: According to the Vastu Shastra, there are many animals and birds whose pictures should not be decorated in the house - vultures, owls, pigeons, crows, eagles and herons should not be kept in the house.