20" Rotating Pancha-Ganesha Urli, Nritya Ganesha At The Centre
20.50 inch Height x 23.00 inch Width x 23.00 inch Depth
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21" Bronze Urli With Lord Ganesha On Swing | Handmade |
21.00 inch Height x 22.50 inch Width x 16.00 inch Depth
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Nandi Altar (For Pradosha Puja)
4 inch Height x 3.4 inch Width x 1.7 inch Depth
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Lord Krishna as Vishnu
9.20 inch Height x 4.00 inch Width x 3.00 inch Depth
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Bhakta Hanuman Singing Bhajans of Lord Rama and Playing Cymbals
6.10 inch Height x 2.20 inch Width x 1.70 inch Depth
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Surya Bhagawan Holding Two Lotuses
5.70 inch Height x 2.10 inch Width x 1.80 inch Depth
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Lord Ganesha
6.20 inch Height x 4.70 inch Width x 2.30 inch Depth
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Vishnu as Guruvayur (Kerala's Krishna)
6.20 inch Height x 4.50 inch Width x 2.30 inch Depth
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Lord Rama
7.70 inch Height x 3.20 inch Width x 2.70 inch Depth
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The Resplendence Of Devi Uma Within The Prabhavali
14.50 inch Height x 8.00 inch Width x 4.20 inch Depth
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Bhairava - The Fierce Incarnation of Lord Shiva
8.40 inch Height x 3.80 inch Width x 3.20 inch Depth
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Pashupatinath - The Incarnation Of Shiva
6.00 inch Height x 3.00 inch Width x 2.00 inch Depth
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6" Naga Bhagawan | Handmade | Madhuchista Vidhana (Lost-Wax) | Panchaloha Bronze from Swamimalai
6.10 inch Height x 2.00 inch Width x 2.00 inch Depth
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Bhagawan Surya
10.40 inch Height x 3.70 inch Width x 3.70 inch Depth
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The Ethereal Majesty Of Shiva-parivar | Handmade |
35.7 inch Height x 23 inch Width x 14 inch Depth
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Cosmic Form of Lord Krishna
19.9 inch Height x 10 inch Width x 6.5 inch Depth
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Resplendent Bronze Shiva-linga
2.5 inch Height x 2.7 inch Width x 2 inch Depth
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Lord Shiva Pashupatinath - Superfine Quality
23.5 inch Height x 11.7 inch Width x 7.7 inch Depth
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Varaha Avatara of Lord Vishnu with Bhudevi
18 inch Height x 10.7 inch Width x 5.6 inch Depth
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Lord Hanuman Granting Abhaya
22.7 inch Height x 16.2 inch Width x 16.5 inch Depth
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Shiva in Ananda Tandava (Nataraja)
14.3 inch Height x 10 inch Width x 4.7 inch Depth
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Nandi - The Mount of Shiva
11 inch Height x 13.4 inch Width x 6.5 inch Depth
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12.3 inch Height x 9.7 inch Width x 4.1 inch Depth
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Four-Armed Seated Ganesha with Floral Aureole
9.5 inch x 8 inch x 3.5 inch
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Vaishnav Deity From South India
27.5 inch Height x 10.7 inch Width x 10.7 inch Depth
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Superfine Standing Lord Vishnu
18.7 inch Height x 8.5 inch Width x 6.5 inch Depth
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Panchamukhi Hanuman
7.5 inch Height x 3.9 inch Width x 2.4 inch Depth
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Sheshashayi Vishnu With Bhoodevi And Shridevi
25 inch Height x 27.5 inch Width x 15.7 inch Depth
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Beautiful Lord Ganesha Lamp from Bangalore
19.7 inch Height x 13 inch Width X 6 inch Depth
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Dancing Ganesha
8.0 inch x 5.5 inch x 2.5 inch
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Imposing Hanuman Mask Wall-hanging
10 inch Height x 7 inch Width x 4 inch Depth
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Shri Shiva Tandava
16.5 inch x 10 inch x 6.5 inch
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Lord Ganesha Holding Kumbha in Trunk (Wall Hanging Mask)
10.2 inch Height x 6.2 inch Width x 3.5 inch Depth
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Varaha Avatar of Bhagawan Vishnu
10.0 inch x 4.5 inch x 3.5 inch
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22" Large Size Lord Vishnu with Floral Prabhavali | Handmade |
22.5 inch Height x 12.7 inch Width x 7 inch Depth
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6" Kubera, And His Pet Mongoose | Handmade | Madhuchista Vidhana (Lost-Wax) | Panchaloha Bronze from Swamimalai
Lord Surya In Bronze, As Resplendent As The Sun
27.7 inch Height x 20.5 inch Width x 15.5 inch Depth
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Lord Narasimha Mask (Wall Hanging)
6.5 inch Height x 4.8 inch Width x 1.8 inch Depth
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Guru-roopa Dakshinamurti Shiva
22 inch Height x 15 inch Width x 12.7 inch Depth
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Dakshinamurti Shiva
11.4 inch Height x 7.5 inch Width x 6 inch Depth
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Rama Durbar
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The Lithe Tribhanga Murari Lord Krishna
20.3 inch Height x 8.4 inch Width x 7 inch Depth
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Shesha-Shayi Vishnu
7.8 inch Height x 12.3 inch Width x 5.5 inch Depth
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Heramba Ganesha
9.9 inch Height x 7.6 inch Width x 3.6 inch Depth
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Dancing Ganesha
7.4 inch Height x 4.7 inch Width x 3 inch Depth
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Hayagriva Avatara of Bhagawan Vishnu
9.7 inch Height x 5 inch Width x 3.2 inch Depth
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Dancing Ganesha
5.7 inch Height x 4.2 inch Width x 2.5 inch Depth
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Bhagawan Brahma
6.4 inch Height x 4.5 inch Width x 3.7 inch Depth
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21.5 inch Height x 15 inch Width x 6.7 inch Depth
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Shiva Linga with Nandi
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Rama Durbar
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Kaliya Vijaya Lila of Shri Krishna
7 inch Height x 3 inch Width x 2.4 inch Depth
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Large Size Nandi Hand Held Bell
10.2 inch Height x 4.5 inch Width X 4.5 inch Depth
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Panch-Mukhi Ganesha
12.0 inch x 7.0 inch x 4.5 inch
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Lord Narasimha Wall Hanging Mask
12.5 inch Height x 6.6 inch Width x 3.5 inch Depth
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12" Lord Ganesha Wall Hanging Mask | Handmade | Made In South India
12.1 inch Height x 5.7 inch Width x 1.4 inch Depth
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Dancing Shiva
9 inch x 6 inch x 2.5 inch
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Butter Krishna
4.5 inch X 5.5 inch X 4.0 inch
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Vrishavahana Shiva
6 inch X 2.5 inch X 1.5 inch
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Lord Ganesha Dancing with a Bunch of Coconuts (From South India)
7.5 inch X 4 inch X 2.5 inch
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Sculptures submerged in bronze of the Saviours of mortal life that uplift your life and aura

Hindus recognize that God is the One- absolute, without a specific form, and known as Brahman, the Supreme, Universal Soul. Brahman is the universe and everything in it.

Brahman has no structure and no restrictions; it is Reality and Truth. In this way Hinduism is a pantheistic religion: It likens God to the universe.

However Hindu religion can also be labeled as polytheistic: populated with several divine Gods and goddesses who represent parts of the one genuine God, permitting people a limitless number of ways of praying to them in accordance with family customs, local areas, and provincial practices, and different perceptions.

We see bronze statues of certain Gods and Goddesses in Hindu homes kept to ensure peace, prosperity, and protection from the evil eye. Hindus pray to and genuinely respect numerous divine beings apart from the Brahman, who is accepted to be the incomparable Godly force present in every way.

Hindus have several Gods and Goddesses with different powers and symbols. Some of the most important divine beings in the religion according to religious scriptures are-

  1. Shiva: 

Lord Shiva is one of the most important parts of the Hindu Pantheon, entrusted with the task of annihilating the universe to prepare for its restoration toward the end of each period of time.

Shiva's disastrous power is regenerative: It's a fundamental step to ensure the possibility of renewal. Hindus usually conjure Shiva before the beginning of any strict religious task; it is believed that any terrible vibrations around the area of worship are killed by the simple expression of Lord Shiva's name or praise.

  1. Vishnu:

Vishnu is another important member of the Hindu Trinity. He ensures peace and order in the universe, which is periodically created by Brahma and obliterated by Shiva to plan for the following creation.

Vishnu is revered in many avatars and several forms. Lord Vishnu is the pervader - the heavenly quintessence that overruns the universe.

  1. Ganesha

Ganapati, otherwise called Ganesha, is Shiva's first child. Lord Ganesha, who has an elephant head, possesses an exceptionally unique spot in the hearts of Hindus since they think of him as the Remover of Obstacles.

Most Hindu families have an image or bronze statue of this godhead, and it's normal to see little copies of Ganapati dangling from rearview reflections of vehicles and trucks.

  1. Krishna

Assuming that one Hindu god's name is known and perceived all through the world, it is Krishna. Hindus recognize Krishna as the educator of the sacrosanct sacred text called the Bhagavad Gita and as the companion and guide of the warrior Pandava prince, Arjuna in the Mahabharata.

For his devotees, Krishna is a joy, loaded with lively tricks. However, in particular, Lord Krishna's promise to humankind that he will show himself and reach earth at whatever point dharma declines has kept the Hindu confidence alive in the Supreme Being for more than millennia.

Do Vedas talk about Hindu Gods?

Since the whole universe is supposed to be heavenly in the Vedic texts, Hindus love and respect nature as God. The Vedic texts plainly say that one shouldn't accept that a type of universe itself is the God, yet it is only a piece of the heavenly completeness. God is in all things and everything is in God.

What are the five gods of Hinduism?

In Hinduism, there are five significant factions or sections, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, Ganapatism, and Saurism whose devotees consider Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti or Devi, Ganesha, and Surya to separately be the incomparable god. The Smartism sect believes that all the five deities are the same.

What happens if you break a God statue?


As per the Vastu, a broken idol of Gods or Goddesses is an inauspicious and bad omen. Likewise, worshiping or offering prayers to damaged or broken idols is not good and is considered adverse.


Even the falling of the Deity's crown is also considered a bad omen. It is unpromising and considered ill-fated. Such an idol must be handed over to a nearby temple or place of worship or be placed under a peepal tree.

Pandits in the temple or experts of Shastra (Vastu tips for the kitchen) would be of much help with a remedy for the broken idol. If it’s pran – pratishtha has not been performed, it should be immersed in a nearby lake, river, or water body.

Who are the 3 most powerful Hindu gods?


Tridev is the most powerful deity in Sanatan Dharma. They are - Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver), and Shiva (the Destroyer). Tridev is the sagun form of Lord Vishnu, hence there is no difference between these three. Lord Vishnu creates in the form of Brahma and destroys in the form of Rudra.

Tridev has no beginning and end. Shiva (the Destroyer) is one who -  rejects all materialism and has disengaged himself from all worldly affairs and Maya; is worshiped by every god, demon, human, and every form of life; Drank Halahal poison to protect the entire Universe;  gifted the legendary Sudarshan Chakra to lord Vishnu; destroyed Yama and Kama; do the Ultimate dance of destruction.

Why are gods and goddesses important in Hinduism?


According to Hinduism, three Gods rule the world. Brahma: the creator; Vishnu: the preserver and Shiva: the destroyer. Hindus believe in the formless, infinite, absolute Reality of God. The misconception that Hinduism has 33 million gods originates from the mention of “33 Koti” Devi-devta in the Vedas.

“Koti” here denotes ‘type’ and not ‘crore’. Ancient Hindus were nature loving. So, everything in the world that gave life, needed to be respected and revered.

The Hindus believe that God manifests in everything which has cosmic powers, that nurture and inspire life-like fire, wind, sun, earth, plants, the stars, rivers, mountains and the planets, and so on. When they descend to Earth, Hindu gods take the form of avatars ("incarnations").