In the tranquil enclave of Sarnath, beneath the dappled shade of ancient trees, the Lord Buddha, in all His profound serenity, graces the world with an enchanting wooden statue. Crafted from the revered “Kaima Wood” by the skilled hands of the “Vishwakarma family of Varanasi”, this masterpiece exudes a divine aura. Here, “Lord Buddha” sits in the “Dharmachakra Mudra”, the “Wheel of Dharma” poised to turn and illuminate the path to enlightenment. His eyes, eternally compassionate, whisper tales of ancient wisdom to all who gaze upon this work of art. This marvellous statue is a tribute to the sacred legacy of Buddhism, an everlasting emblem of peace.
How to care for Wood Statues?
Wood is extensively used in sculpting especially in countries like China, Germany, and Japan. One feature that makes the wood extremely suitable for making statues and sculptures is that it is light and can take very fine detail. It is easier for artists to work with wood than with other materials such as metal or stone. Both hardwoods, as well as softwood, are used for making sculptures. Wood is mainly used for indoor sculptures because it is not as durable as stone. Changes in weather cause wooden sculptures to split or be attacked by insects or fungus. The principal woods for making sculptures and statues are cedar, pine, walnut, oak, and mahogany. The most common technique that sculptors use to make sculptures out of wood is carving with a chisel and a mallet. Since wooden statues are prone to damage, fire, and rot, they require proper care and maintenance.
It is extremely important to preserve and protect wooden sculptures with proper care. A little carelessness and negligence can lead to their decay, resulting in losing all their beauty and strength. Therefore, a regular clean-up of the sculptures is a must to prolong their age and to maintain their shine and luster.
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