Bhairava, the one replete with (‘rava’) with fear (‘bhaya’). The name given to the wrathful manifestation of the great Lord Shiva. Bhairava, the one who inspires bhaya in the onlooker. The Bhairava murti that you see on this page captures the beauty of traditional Bhairava iconography in pure bronze idiom.
Chaturbhujadhari, with traditional Shaivite implements in each hand. One of them, of course, a skullcup (the skullcup is a fixture in Hindu wrathful iconography). For a halo, there is a fire that flares up behind the crowned head of Bhairava. The long, serpentine bodies of snakes punctuate the naked deity’s adornment.
The presence of the quadruped is integral to the Bhairava-Pashupatinath iconography. The one in this murti is of substantial proportions, making it stand out from run-of-the-mill Bhairava murtis.
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