Ganesha, the beloved Hindu god is a revered presence in the Nepal valley, worshipped as a protector and auspicious divinity. In this exquisite Nepalese brass statue, Ganesha is depicted in a unique reclining pose, similar to Vishnu’s Sheshashayi (reclining on the serpent Shesha) images. The four-armed or Chaturbhuja Ganesha is shaded by a five-hooded serpent and rests on a lotus platform. He is accompanied by his Mushak and is adorned in traditional Nepalese ornaments.
A union of the iconography of Ganesha and Vishnu underlines the fluidity of concepts of divinity in Nepal Hinduism, where the artist has visualized Ganesha instead of Vishnu as the primordial parent of the Universe, paternalistic, ever-auspicious and Ananta (eternal, also a name for the serpent Shesha and Vishnu).
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