In this cosmic tapestry of divinity, a celestial tableau unfolds with enchanting grace as Lord Narasimha, “the slayer of Hiranyakashipu”, cradles his beloved consort, Lakshmi, “the Vibha (the Radiant One)”, upon his lap, a manifestation resplendent with tranquillity. Contrary to his fierce countenance in the “Ugra Rupa”, here, the lion-maned deity emanates serenity, his divine visage an epitome of celestial calm. Clad in regal attire, adorned with the “Sudarshana Chakra” and “Panchajanya”, Narasimha symbolises cosmic order and protection.
Garuda, “the eagle mount of Lord Vishnu”, and Hanuman, the devoted disciple, stand in humble reverence. Lord Narasimha embraces his consort, portraying the harmonious union of power and grace, fury and calm, as well as the inseparable bond of devotion. Amidst the cosmic ballet, this majestic depiction, carved in copper, beckons seekers to witness the divine balance, where the terrible transforms into tranquillity, and cosmic forces unite in sublime harmony, echoing the eternal dance of the cosmos.
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