Of the eight manifested avataras of Lord Vishnu, Lord Narasimha is the most ferocious. The spine-chilling chhavi (image) of a man (‘nara’) contorted into the superhuman stance of the lion (‘simha’).
He is responsible for the destruction of one of the greatest adharmees of all yugas, the King Hiranyakashipu, father of Vishnubhakta (devotee of Vishnu) Prahlad.
The superb bronze murti that you see on this page captures the wrath of Lord Narasimha to spine-chilling perfection, from the stateliness of the nara-shareera (man’s body) to the bellicose simha-mukha (leonine countenance).
Bronze is an elite medium in Indian sculptural tradition. It is more expressive than brass, finer as well as more difficult to work with. The murti that you see on this page is handpicked from the recesses of the South for finesse and the pedigree of the artisans who made it.
Note the minimalistic pedestal that sets off the power of Narasimha’s presence and the texture that pervades His form and attire and adornments, in keeping with His traditional iconography. The lalitasana of the legs, the four hands bearing Vaishnavite symbols, and the crown towering above His head - all of these seemingly blend into a fluid narrative conveyed skilfully through a static composition.
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