4" Small Reclining Hanuman Brass Idol | Religious Figurine
Natural Brass
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Brown Green
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Brown Silver
Brown Silver
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4" Small Reclining Hanuman Brass Idol | Religious Figurine


This brass statue of the monkey-god Hanuman is an excellent work of metal-craftsmanship. It represents Hanuman as resting lying on his right side with a large size splendid bolster, besides his right arm, supporting his head. Clad in a loincloth and a sash and adorned with a crown and few ornaments on his chest, arms and feet the image of Hanuman has been conceived as reclining on a plain narrow bed laid over a lotus base.

In the entire Hanuman mythology or body of scriptures, this servant of Rama – always on vigil and never known to rest, is alluded to have reclined only once, barring a casual mention here or there, and that too, not without a purpose. By pretending to be lying down mid-way he wanted to strip mighty Bhima, Pandu’s second son in the Mahabharata, of his vain ego which could plunge him into a harm or misfortune and thus the result of the Great War could be different and the objective of Hanuman’s Master Rama, in his form as Krishna, defeated.

Natural Brass
Natural Brass
Brown Green
Brown Green
Brown Silver
Brown Silver
Protective Lacquer Coating
Protective Lacquer Coating
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Brass Statue
Height: 4.30 inch
Width: 12.00 inch
Depth: 2.20 inch
Weight: 2.30 kg
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In agreement to such perception of Hanuman, the artist of this rare piece has taken care to suggestively portray, simultaneous to his reclining posture, also this spirit of vigilance and service, the core of Hanuman’s being. While representing him as reclining, the artist seems to have had in mind that Hanuman’s grip on his weapon – club, was not loosened.

With a thoughtful face which reveals an alert mind and a hand ready to strike a foe here is a Hanuman wide-awake, even in a reclining body-frame, and fully alert to a call and to act on it, something which is the most characteristic feature of Hanuman’s theology that perceives him as ‘Sankata-mochana’ – one who redeems from crisis anyone who calls him even once.

Chapter 37 of the Vana-parva in the epic Mahabharata illustrates in details an episode which portrays Hanuman as lying reclining across a passage covering its entire breadth with the intention to block Bhima’s way for correcting him. Before the Great War, on the advice of Lord Krishna, Arjuna had gone to ‘Swarga’ – Heaven, for obtaining gods’ celestial weapons. His return was, however, delayed far beyond the schedule. Hence, out of anxiety Pandavas set out to ‘Swarga’ in Arjuna’s search.

When close to Gandhamadana Mountain, winds brought to Draupadi, strolling around with Bhima, a beautiful sweet fragrance-emitting lotus. Bewitched by its beauty and fragrance Draupadi asked Bhima to bring to her some more of them, which she would present to Yudhistara. To please her Bhima set out in the direction from where the sweet perfumed breeze was flowing. A little ahead, Bhima found a monkey, old and feeble, lying across the path.

Words were exchanged and vain Bhima even threatened the monkey but the monkey did not get up from where he was reclining. He prayed Bhima that being old and weak he was unable to move and suggested that he could put aside his tail and pass. Bhima tried over and again to lift the monkey’s tail but without success. Bhima immediately realised his error as also that the monkey was no other than Hanuman, his elder brother, preceding him in his lineage from the Sun-god Surya.

This description by Prof. P.C. Jain and Dr. Daljeet. Prof. Jain specializes on the aesthetics of literature and is the author of numerous books on Indian art and culture. Dr. Daljeet is the curator of the Miniature Painting Gallery, National Museum, New Delhi. They have both collaborated together on a number of books.

The Mighty Hanuman: Exploring the Legends and Significance of the Monkey God

Hanuman is mentioned in several Vedic works of literature such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Srimad Bhagavatam. He is the dearest devotee of Lord Ramachandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is always engaged in the service of the Lord and the Lord always looks out for Hanuman every moment. Hanuman is often depicted tearing apart his chest and an image of Ram and Sita is seen which means that He is always absorbed in the transcendental thoughts of Shri Shri Sita Ram. In the Vaishnava traditions or Sampradayas, Hanuman plays a huge role in the spiritual life of a Sadhaka. Without getting the mercy of Hanuman, no one can get closer to Lord Ram. He is the very personification of devotion and dedication.

He has a monkeylike form and is bestowed with extraordinary powers and capabilities. But He does not use his powers to show to others, rather, he uses them in the service of Sita and Ram. The devotees of Ram always follow in the footsteps of Sri Hanuman to become sincere servants of the Lord.

Can we keep Hanuman idol at home?

Keeping the deity of Lord Hanuman at your home altar would be very auspicious for everyone in your family. Sri Hanuman is very merciful and compassionate toward all living entities. He bestows his blessings especially on those who engage in the worship of Lord Ram and Mother Sita. Therefore, if you have the deities of Sita and Ram on your altar, installing the deity of Sri Hanuman will be the best decision. However, if you do not have Lord Ram and Mother Sita deities, you can keep the single deity of Hanuman as well. If you want to please him, you may chant the names of Lord Ram and sing His glories in front of his deity. Your life will completely change and you will experience transcendental bliss which is not found in performing any kind of material activities.

Which Hanuman idol is good for home?

Exotic India offers you several types of Hanuman statues that you can keep on your home altar for worship. If you want to attract the mercy of Lord Hanuman and experience transcendental ecstasy, you may keep any of the forms of Lord Hanuman such as standing Hanuman, Hanuman in Dhyana Mudra, Hanuman carrying Sanjeevani, Hanuman opening his chest, Panchamukhi Hanuman, etc. Serve Lord Hanuman to the best of your capacity and pray to him to remove the obstacles in the path of your devotional service to Lord Ram and Mother Sita.
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