Seated in the enchanting “Utkutakasana posture” upon a lotus podium, Ganesha, “the beloved Son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati”, exudes an aura of unwavering grace. His upper hands firmly cradle a goad and a noose, symbolic tools to guide and protect his devotees. With his right hand poised in the “Ashirwad Mudra”, He imparts blessings to all who seek his wisdom. As Ganesha indulges in a sweet Modak, his ample belly represents the abundance of life’s blessings. A trident (Trishul) mark adorns his noble forehead, embodying his supreme power. Dressed in regal attire, this brass masterpiece signifies the harmonious blend of strength and benevolence, a guardian of obstacles and a bestower of auspicious beginnings.
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