Kodanda-Rama, Sri Rama holding his mighty bow Kodanda, is a theme celebrated in the art of South India. This acrylic on canvas presents the divine beauty of Rama as the celestial warrior, on a vertical canvas that lets one immerse in the aura of Maryadapurshottama Rama. Green-hued, emanating the luster of a green jewel, adorned with an ornate crown that sits over his long and beautiful curled hair, gemmed jewelry, and Pitambara, Sri Rama in this painting strikes a valiant stance, with a sense of vigor in his expressions.
He firmly holds his bow and arrow, gazing with a fire of virtuousness in his lotus eyes, ready to burn the negativity and evil of the world. Following the idiom of traditional Kerala murals and their color scheme, Anandu has successfully translated the greatness of Rama into his rich aesthetics, making this acrylic painting a divine image of the Lord of Ayodhya.
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