Krishna and his brother Balarama shared a unique bond. According to the narration in Bhagwatam, the two were real brothers. Balarama appeared in the womb of Devaki and was subsequently transferred to Rohini's womb and Krishna, as is commonly known, was Devaki's son brought up by Yashoda and Nanda. Here the two stand in identically inverted poses. The symmetry is maintained on either side. On a rectangular platform the blue bodied Krishna and the white bodied Balarama stand under a sparsely leafed tree; even the branches make no distinction between the two in providing equal shade. On each side of the pedestal stand cows followed by three men each side carrying a fan, sayaban and a canopy, all symbolizing majesty. As objects they had no value for Krishna but they signify the status the people of that land bestowed upon them.
Symmetry is strictly adhered to in both line and colour.
This description by Kiranjyot.
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