The Blue Mother Carrying Child | Acrylic on Canvas

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A mother's love for her child can only be compared to the expansiveness of the horizon or the ocean's depth. Drawing on this idea, Ranjit Sarkar has astutely chosen the color blue to highlight the warmth of the mother's face, as she gazes at her bundle of joy, playing in her arms.

Using acrylic on canvas, the artist has painted a heart-warming scene of moments of maternal bliss, one of the most delicate emotions a human being can feel.

Yellow on the child's figure represents joy and new beginnings, while red and flaming orange on the mother's side in the painting symbolizes the seething intensity of her love for the child. One look at this scene and your heart will be wrapped in the affectionate embrace of memories of your own mother, such is the perfection of the artist!

Delivery Usually ships in 3 days
Item Code: PAB335
Artist: Ranjit Sarkar
Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions 28.00 inch Height X 34.00 inch Width
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100% Made in India
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