Bhagawan Jagannath Inside the Tree, a Pattachitra masterpiece by Rabi Behera, showcases the intricate art of engraving on dried palm leaves. The unique technique involves smearing the leaves with soot to create a canvas that narrates a divine story. The painting is segmented into a finely decorated frame, the temple's chuda (head), and an Ashoka tree. Within the tree, divine figures Lord Balabhadra, Lord Jagannath, and Devi Subhadra are depicted seated, surrounded by vibrant hues of yellow, while Lord Balabhadra is depicted in white, Lord Jagannath in Blue and Devi Subhadra in yellow.
The yellow background outside the tree and the red color background inside the tree create a contrasting background. This vivid palette enhances the spiritual significance of the artwork. Below the tree, two swans swim in opposite directions, adding a symbolic touch. Behera's skilled craftsmanship brings forth a harmonious blend of tradition and artistic finesse, capturing the essence of spirituality and nature in this mesmerizing Pattachitra on palm leaf.
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