The Arunanchaleshwara temple of Tamil Nadu, where Shiva is worshipped as Annamalaiyar and Parvati as Unnamalai is a sacred Teertha for Hindu devotees, as the place where Shiva appeared as Agni-Lingam (pillar of fire), worshipped as Pancha-bhuta Sthalas.
In the traditional Tanjore style of presenting Teertha-sthala (pilgrimage spots), this painting captures the fiery aura of Annamalaiyar and Unnamalai, both deities dressed in rich attire, ornaments, ritual articles laid out in the foreground and a glorious solar halo in the background.
The sacred Arunanchal mountain (literally- the mountain made red by the rising Sun) and the Gopuram of the Arunanchaleshwara Temple are depicted in the background, making this Tanjore a potent darshana of the shrine in your home.
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