At the Srivilliputthur Andal Temple of Tamil Nadu, a warm relationship between the Bhakta and Bhagwan is celebrated. Andal, the famed Alvar devotee resides in the shrine, married to Sri Ranganatha or Rangamannar with whom she ultimately fused. Crafted and painted in the style of a personal shrine, this Tanjore painting brings the aura of the Srivilliputthur temple to your home.
Andal and Ranganatha are bedecked like young bride and groom, with their graceful forms highlighted by superbly sheenful 24-karat gold. The mandapam under which they stand is ornately designed, with Kritimukha and ethnic motifs.
Standing on each side, Garuda and a mortal Bhakta relish in the beauty of this divine scene. With the use of traditional Tanore colors and an outline of a pure teakwood frame, this Tanjore artwork exalts the aura of the oneness of devotee and devoted.
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