Why God? (Audio CD)

Item Code: IZZ966
Swami ChinmayanandaCentral Chinmaya Mission Trust (2011)
From the Audio CD
Artist: Swami Chinmayananda
Catlogue No: WCD010
Format: Audio CD

About the Audio CD

Swami Chinmayananda, disciple of Swami Tapovan Maharaj and the founder of Chinmaya Mission is a saint an inspiration and a visionary. He has given numerous discourses on various Hindu Scriptures including the Bhagava-Gita and Upanishads. Swamiji is an order beyond comparison and his talks have touched and transformed countless lives.

‘Why God’ is a three day talk series by Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda in Chile. The title itself echoes the questions of today’s people – why God?

Man has always been filled with an undying curiosity to know the cause of things and their corresponding effect. To believe in something which is abstract in other words, unseen and not felt is against the essential nature of man. This is because man has been gifted with the power of discrimination which cannot be found in any other living organism on this planet.

With astute observations punctuated by humour he captivates all leaving a deep impact in our minds. Swamiji leaves no stone unturned as he demystifies God and brings us closer to Him.

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