Rare Vedic Chanting: Brahadaranyaka Upanishad (With Sukla Yajurvediya Kanva Svaras Yajnavaklya Kanda and Khila Kanda) Rare Vedic Chanting (Audio CD)

Item Code: ICP059
Various Artists Super Audio (2007)
From the CD:

Rare Vedic Chanting

The most important Brahadaranyaka Upanishad is the perennial source of secret and sacred spiritual knowledge. In the Yajnavalkya Kanda, Yajnavalkya is presented as a master dialectician in the assembly of the philosopher king janaka, worsting Gargi of Brahma Tattva, Paraloka and Moksha and Yajnavalkya Maitreyi Samvada that explains Atmabodha, self-realisation.

This CD contains Adhyaya V with 15 Brahmanas comprising 27 mantras and Adhyaya VI with 5 Brahmanas comprising 73 Mantras and ends auspiciously with Ghanam Tvaamadya.

Adh V- I. It deals with the inexhaustible Brahman. 2. The three cardinal virtues. 3. Brahman as the heart. 4. Brahman as the real. 5. Explanation of the real etymologically and cosmologically. 6. The individual person monistically explained. 7. Brahman as lightning. 8. Symbolism of speech as cow. 9. The Universal fire and the digestive fire. 10. The course to Brahman after death. 11. The supreme austerities. 12. Brahman as food, life and renunciation. 13. Life represented in the officiating priest and in the ruler. 14. The mystical significance of the sacred Gayatri prayer. 15. A dying person’s prayer.

Adh. VI- The characteristic excellence of six bodily functions, and the supremacy of breath. 2. The course of the soul in its incarnations. 3. Incantation and ceremony for the attainment of a great wish. 4. Incantations and the ceremonies for procreation. 5. The tradition of teachers in the line of Brahma in the Vajasaneyi School.

I Adhyayav (Yajnavalkya Kanda) I Brahmanan I Mantras I I Brahmanan 2 Mantra I to 3 I Brahmanan 3 Mantras I I Brahmanan 4 Mantras I I Brahmanan 5 Mantras I and 2 I Brahmanan 6 Mantras I I Brahmanan 7 Mantras I I Yajnavalkya- Gargi, Brahmatattva I Brahmanan 8 Mantras I I Brahmanan 9 Mantras I I Brahmanan 10 Mantras I I Brahmanan 11 Mantras I I Brahmanan 12 Mantras I I Brahmanan 13 Mantras I to 4 I Brahmanan 14 Mantras I to 7 I Brahmanan 15 Mantras I

Prof. R. Thiagarajan, Ganapaati Brahmasri Parasurama Sastri, D. Sankaran, S.Srinivasa Sharma, K.S.Manjunathan. Music- V.R. Manikkavinayagam

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