Artists: Voice & Tanpura:- Deva Premal Voice:- Mitan Bansuri: Manose Keyboard drone Bells:- Kamal
This is a selection of 7 Mantras chosen specifically a support during these challenging times. Each mantra is chanted for an entire male-108 beads I offer them with the prayer that they will inspire and bless your life, as they have mine. And as my dear friend Sharon Gannon says: The Power is in The Repetition. With love and blessings. Deva
Two Words that are part of most Mantras: OM-this sound Is usua.lJy chanted at the beginning of every mantra. It Is known as a 'seed sound'. A seed sound Is extremely potent and expresses II particular energy. A translation will always rail short and Is actua.lly ImpOSSi- ble. Om Is the sound of the sixth chakra, also known as The Third Eye. Here Is where the masculine and feminine energies meet. It is ca.lJed the Soundless Sound or the Sound of the Universe.
NAMAHA- a common ending to many mantras, means;" i offer". I wish to extend my gratitude to Namadeva Acharya (Thomas Ashley- Farrand) for his inspirational teachings on the power of Sanskrit mantras.
According to the Vedic scriptures, our bodies - physical and subtle - contain 72,000 energy channels, which are called 'Nadls'. There are 108 major nadls that meet In the 'sacred heart' (hrlt padma). By chanting a mantra 108 times the energy permeates the entire body and energy body.
I especially chose mantras that are relatively short, to make It easier for you to become familiar with the sounds. Each track is about 7-9 minutes m length, short enough to encourage a daily practice and long enough to feel the power of the mantra.
Make sure to take time - at least 10 minutes - after the chanting In order to el\Joy the blessings of the practice.
The best way to benefit from these recordings Is to choose a particular mantra and make It part of your daily life for at least 21 days - or the auspicious number of 40 days. Chant It once or twice day If possible (at dawn and/or dusk preferably).
If your life doesn't allow for such Involvement then Just do I: as often as you can. Make It easy for yourself
Soon you won't need the recording anymore. The mantra wills become a part of you - transforming and blessing your He. The main thing 18 to be focused when you chant, and el\Joy each repetition to the fullest, by being as present as you can.
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