Lotus Path (Audio CD)

Item Code: ICR489
James AsherMusic Today (2005)65:32 Minutes
About the CD

Lotus path is compilation of meditative pieces written over the past few years. Most significant is the title track. This piece cam about after I visited a folk music shop in London called hobgoblin this shop exhibits a delightful array of extraordinary stringed instruments mostly the work of name British craftsman celebrated for the fine quality of their handicrafts. On the day in question I found myself falling in love with two instruments. The first a bazouki made by Paul Hathaway. Some of the mellifluous tones of the tuning up the neck beguiled me. Then going down to the lower floor, I happened upon a dulcimer made by Tim Manning and is arranged over a large soundboard whose natural resonance is quite outstanding I found myself getting totally lost in the richness of the sound. Both of the instruments found their way home with me.

As a drummer and keyboard player the dulcimer represents a wonderful meeting point between percussive and melodic invention. Also the strings can be tuned to whatever set of pitches one fins appealing and creates thereby a framework form which to create I explored a few different tunings and then found myself getting very involved in a particular tuning which would in time become the framework for Lotus path. The strong presence and mood that seemed to flow around this composition was quite magical. In due course the bazouki joined in as well. The tones of this and the dulcimer felt made for each other like musical kindred spirits. The mood of lotus Path was further greatly enhanced when the Indian percussion maestro Sivamani provided some chanting for me. We had been working on out album Drums on Fire and his made a good contrast to all the fiery drummy energy being much more meditative and spacey. Over a three month period I became completely absorbed with the composition. Lotus path has the feeling of a special journey imbued with warmth and spirit. This is fact the only extended length work I have written since the great wheel in 1988.

Additional Musicians
Violet – Madeleine Doherty, Herp
Ocean of Dreams – Melanie Hrun Flute
Green – Madaleine Doherty, Harp
Cedor Tree – Nigel Shaw, Flute
Earthsang – Melanie Hum, Flute & Chris Hum, Cello
For over the Hill – Suzame Bramson Vocals

Creative Director: Bhikku Schober
Art Director: Waluda Paradiso
Graphic Designer: Anthony D’Agostino
Lotus photographs by Bryan Burton Taken in the gardens at New Earth Records.

A new extended length meditative CD from James Asher featuring the eight stringed bazouki and the thirty six stringed dulcimers which represent a wonderful meeting point between percussive and melodic invention. Lotus path has the feeling of a special journey imbued with warmth and spirit.

1Lotus Path 32:05
2Violet 4:26
3Ocean of Dreams 2:39
4Green 3:11
5Cedar Tree 5:21
7Earthsong 6:06
8Far over the Hill4:43
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