A Journey Through Hinduism (Three Lectures in Malaysia, 24th August 2008) (MP3)

Item Code: ICQ072
Various Artists Narayanashrama Tapovanam (2009)
From the CD

Essentials of Hinduism
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Hinduism- A Universal Science
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

Interactional Saadhana in Daily Life
Swamini Maa Gurupriya

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

A knower of the supreme Truth, Swamiji has guided numerous seekers towards the invaluable goal of self-realization, transforming their lives into one of joy and contentment. Swamiji’s interpretation of spiritual texts coming from his experiential depth and mastery of Self-realization inspires seekers with the liberating touch of transcendental knowledge. Inner resources development and interactional saadhana have been Swamiji’s unique message for humanity to lead a life of excellence, joy and fulfillment.

Poojya Swamiji’s Sannyaasin Disciples

Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha evinced a strong inclination for the spiritual path from a very young age. In 1987, he renounced his professional life as a scientist and assistant professor at I.I.T Kharagpur, and dedicated himself wholesomely to the service of Poojya Swamiji and his Lokasangraha (welfare of society) mission.

Maa Gurupriya’s spiritual journey began during her post graduate scientific research in Delhi University. In 1987, she renounced her professional life as a lecturer in Physics and dedicated her life at the feet of Poojya Swamiji. Maa is the Loving Mother for Poojya Swamiji’s devotees and disciples around the world.

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