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Jai Jagdambe Maa (Audio CD)

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Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviTimes Music (2003)
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About the CD

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi the revered mother was born on March 21, 1923 to a Christian family in Chindawara, India it is believed that she was born with the knowledge of complete Self Realization and knew from a very young age that she had a unique gift which had to be made available to all mankind. However she also knew the problems encountered by the earlier spiritual personalities like Jesus Mohammed Buddha and others when they prophesized the truth directly to the people.

It was on the 5th May 1970 on a lonely beach of Nangol (about 150Km from Mumbai) that she had a changing divine spiritual experience which filled her whole being. She discovered a historical process of en-masse self realization through which thousands of people could get this connection to their spirit thereby experience an inner transformation through this process of Sahaja yoga. With this power Shri mataji Attempted to awaken the spiritual power within all human beings. A power which the hindus call Kundalini the muslims Ruh and in the bible it is described as the Holy Ghost. She soon realized that this process had the potentioal solution for all human problems and therefore she decided to spread it on an en-masse level.

Since 1970 Shri mataji Nirmala Devi has been traveling around the world to teach the techniques of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. A large number of people without distinction of race religion age or social status have acknowledged the value of her teachings by establishing Sahaja. Yoga centers in over 75 nations after having achieved a complete balance in their lives on the physical emotional mental and spiritual levels.

Perhaps the most commendable thing about mataji is that she neither changes for her lectures nor for her ability to give Self Realization noe does one have to become a member of her organization. Today she is an official guest in the former Soviet Union and has visited the royal albert and sole director of Sahaja Yoga or Vishwa Nirmala Dharma which is an established non profit organization in many countries worldwide. In 1994 the Mayor of Brazil’s capital welcomed Shri Mataji at the airport presenting her with the key to the city and sponsored all of her programs. In 1995 the Indian government granted Shri mataji a one hour primetime television series broadcast nationally. Also in 1995 she was awareded by the Romanian Ecological University an Honorary Doctorate in Cognitive and Para Psychological Sceinces. She was given a prodamation by the US Congress in 1997 which was submitted to the congressional records. The Italian Government declared Shri mataji personally of the year in 1986. in her tremendous compassion and concern to alleviate human sufferings. Shri Mataji has been able to create a number of NGO to solve the most immediate problem of the world. To mention a few a international in Mumbai to help patients get a chance to cure themselves of incurable diseases like cancer, epilepsy multiple sclerosis etc an international cancer research centre in Mumbai an international music school in Nagpur to promote classical music and a charity house for the poor people in Delhi.

Shri Mataji Nimala Devi has dedicated her life to triggering the spiritual ascent of mankind through Self Realization reclaiming the role of women in the spiritual evolution and guiding humanity to correct today’s moral dilemmas.


1. Jagdamba Maa (The Aawahan)
2. Mum Mata Bhagwati (The Invocation)
3. Harpal Vicharron Mein (The Praise)
4. Tum Baithi Raho Chitwan Mein (The Prayer)
5. Prem Pagi (The Arrival)
6. Apne Hridye Ke (The acknowledgement0
7. Humre Jivan Mein (The Rejoicing)
8. Jab Hriday Mein Basey (The Blessing)

Singers: Sanjay Talwar, Anuja Bisaria
Lyrics: Mrs. Toshi Talwar, Sanjay Talwar
Music Direction : Sanjay Talwar
Music Arrangement Pt. Rajendra Prasanna
Recorded at Mangal Dhwani Studio
Executive Producer Vishal Bhandari
Produced by Pavan Raj Bhalla

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