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Himalayan Chants
(The Divine Sounds of Spirituality)
(Audio CD)

Ashit DesaiTimes Music (2000)
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From the CD A must for every household that aspires for mental peace, this album is ideally suited to initiate one a nd all into the realm of divine spirituality. The crystal-clear enunciation of the mantras is coupled with light instrumental music to heighten the listening pleasure. Shri Ganeshaya Namah The traditional invocation to the remover of all obstacles- Lord Ganesha. All new projects and activities begin with an invocation to this lovable elephant-headed God. The above invocation is followed by the Ganesh Stuti. Shri Ganesh Stuti Vigneshwaraaya Varadaaya Surapriyaaya Lambodaraaya Sakalaaya Jagaddhiitaaya! Naagaananaaya Shruti Yagnyavibhushitaaya Gauri Sutaaya Gananaatha Namo Namaste I pay my obeisances to Lord Ganesha, the son of Gauri, the benefactor of the universe and the one who is well versed in Vedaas and Yagna. Pratah Smaran Early morning prayer to the Lord of the Lords Praathah Smaraami Hridhi Samsfuradaatmatatattatvam Sachchitmasukham Paramahansagatim turiyam! Yatswapnajaagarsushuatimaveti Nityam Tadbrahma Nishkalamaham Na Cha Bhutasanghah Early morning I take the name of that Parabrahma paramathma who is ever glowing, who knows everything, who is extraordinary and who taught me that I am not a mere body comprising of five elements but I myself am Brahma. Karadarshan Karaagre vasathe Lakshmi Karamule Saraswati I kara Madhaye tu Govindah Prabhaate Karadarshanam! Lakshmi lives at the tip of the palm, Saraswathi at bottom of the palm and in the middle is Govinda (Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu). So, if you have darshan of the palms early in the morning. You have the darshan of these Gods. Kshamaprarthana Traditional prayer of forgiveness for all committed. Samudra Vasane Devi Parvastana Mandale! Vishnupatni Namastubhyam Paadasparsham Shamasvame Early morning, after getting up from the bed and before putting your foot on the earth. You should ask the pardon of Mother Earth. Navagraha Stuti Traditiona prayer to the nine planets for one's protection. Brahmaamuraaristrupurantakaari Bhaanuh Shashi Bhoomi Suthobudhashcha!,br> Gurushcha Shukrah Shani Raahu Ketavah Kurvantha Sarve Mama suprabhaatam My Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and Sun and all Nine planetary Gods (Nava Grahaas) always protect us. Shri Guru Stuti Traditiona prayer to one's teacher Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheshwarah! Guruh Saakshaath Parabrahma Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah The Guru in whom all the three Gods dwell is Parabrahma personified. I pay my obeisance to him Brahmaanandham Paramasukhadam Kevalam Gyanamurthym Dhwandhwaatheetham Gaganasadhrusham Thathmasyaadhilskshiyam! Ekam Nithyam Vimalamachalam Sawadha Saakshibsotham Bhaavaatheetham Thriyunarahitham Sadhgurum Thum Namaami!! I bow to that Sadhguru who is Brahmanand, giver of Supreme joy, abode of knowledge, without form, free from three constituent qualities of Sath, Raj and Tham (Goodness, pleasure and Darkness) Shri Shankar (Shiv) Stuti Karpuram Gauram Karumaavathaavam saaram Bhujagendahaaram! Sadhaa Vasantham Hridhayaaraindhey Bhavam Bhavani Sahitham Namami!! I bow unto Lord Shiva who is fairskinned, all merciful and one who dwells in my heart along with Goddess Bhavani. Karacharanakritham Vaaku- Kaayajam Karmajam Vaa Shravananayanajam Vaa Maanasm Vaaparaadham! Vihithamvihitham Vaa Sarvamethath Shamasva Jaya Jaya Kamaabdhe Shri Mahaadeva Shambho!! Oh all merciful Mahadev! Please forgive any error committed by me, either by thought, word of action, however reasonable or unreasonable the error man be. Shri Shiv Gayatri Om Thathpunishaay Vidhmabe! Mahaadevaaya Dheemabee!! Thanno Rudrah Prachodhayaath!!! (from The Shukla Yajurveda) We meditate on Lord Mahadev (Shiv). May he encourage us to perform good deeds. Ohm Namasthe Sthu Bhagavan Vishweshwaray, Mahadevaaya, Thriyambakaya, Thripuraanthakaaya, Thrikaalaaya, Kaalaagnimdraaya. Neelakantaaya, Mrithyunjayaaya, Sarveshwaraaya, Sadaashivaaya, Shriman Mahadevaaya Namah!! Salutations to Lord Vishwesgwar, Mahadev, Thriyambak, Thripuraanthaka, Thkalaagnikaal, Kaalaagni rudhra, elakant, Mrithyunjay, Sarveshwar, Sadashiv, Shriman Mahaadev. These are the various names by which Lord Shiva is known. Shri Vishnu Stuti Shanthaakaaram Bhujagashayam Pasmanaabam Suresham Vishwaadhaaram Gaganasadhrusham Megavamam Shubaangam!! Lakshmikaantham Kamalanayanam Yogirbidhyaana Gamyam Vende Vishnum Bavabayabaram Sarva Lokaika Naatham!! I salute that Bavabayahaari Triloknath, (One who frees us from fear of life, Lord of three worlds) Vishnu who is peace personified, who reclines on the big serpent Sesha and the one who is meditated upon by ascetics. Kaayesid Vaaehaa Manesendhriyairva, Budhayaathmanaa Vaa Prakruthih Swabhavaath I ikaromi Yadhyathskalam Parasmai, Naaraayanaayethi Samarpayaami!! Whatever I do wholeheartedly with my body, soul and mind, I offer to Narayana (Vishnu). Shri Krishna stuti Mukham Karothi Vaaehaalam pangum langayathe Girim! Yathkripaa Thamaham Vandhe paramaananda Maadhavam!! By whose grace the dumb speak and the lame climb mountains, I pray to that Paramanand Shri Krishna. Karaaravindena Padhraaravindham Mukhaaravindhena Viniveshayantham! Vatasyapathrasya Pute Shayanani- Baalam Mukundham Manasaasmaraami!! I pray to Balamukund lying on the banyan leaf, who with his lotus- like hand takes his lotus-like foot and keeps it in his lotus- Vasudevasuthamdevam Kamsachaanuramarshane I Devki Paramaanandam Krishnam Vande Jagathgurum!! I pay my obeisance to the son of Vasudeva, Jagathguru Shri Krishna who anguished kansa and Chanur and gave his mother Devaki immense joy. Gayatri Mantra The Gayatri mantra is one of the most powerful and sacred mantras of Hinduism. One who chants the Gayatri 108 times daily, morning, noon and evening is truly blessed. Om Bhurburvah Swah Thathsavithurvarenyam! Bhargodevasya Dheemahi!! Dheeyo Yo Nah Parchodayaath!!! (from the Rigved) I meditate upon Lord Surya who is spread over the three worlds, that He may encourage us to perform good deeds. Shri Devi Stuti Yaa kundendu Thushaara Haara Dhevalaa Yaa Shubra Vasthraavrithaa Yaa Veena Varadhanda Mandithakara Yaa Shwetha Padmaasanaa! Yaa Brahmaachutha Shankara Prabhruthibin Devaih Sadha Vandhithaa Saa Maam Paathu Saraswathi Bhagawathi Nih Shesha Jaadyaapahaa!! I beseech Goddess Saraswati who is seated on a while lotus, draped in white garment and adorned with a while garland; one who holds a veena in her hand and one who is bowed is to by the Three Gods, to drive away my ignorance. The above prayer is to Goddess Saraswati, Lord Brahma's consort and the Goddess of Wisdom in Hindu religion. Maayaa Kundalini Kriya Madhumathi kaali kalaa Maalini Maathangi Vijayaa Jayaa Bhagavathi Devi Shiva Shaambavi! Shakthin Shankaraallabah Thrinayanaa Vaagvaadinee Bhairavi Omkaraa Thripuraa Puraa Bhagavathi Maatha Kumaareshwari!! Maya, Kundalini, Kaali etc, are the different names of Mother Kumareshwari. Sarvamangala Maangalye Shiva Sarvaarthasaadhike! Sharnye Thrayambake Gauri Naaraayani Namosthutte!!(from The Markandeyapuran) I bow to thee O Gauri, who always does good unto us, who endows us with powers and blesses those who seek shelter at fer feet. Brahmastuti Yam Brahmaa Varunendrarudramarthah Sthunvanthi Divaisthaaih Vedaih Saangapadkramoanishadaih Gaayanthi Yam Saamagaah! Dhyaamaavasthitha Thadhgathena Manasaa Pashyanthi Yani Yogino Yasyaatham Na Vidhuh Suraasuraganaah Devaaya Thasmai Namah!! I bow to that God who is praised by Brahma and other Gods, whose glories the Vedas sing, the one who is meditated upon by ascetics and one who has no beginning or end. 1) Shri Ganesh Stuti 2) Partah Smaran 3) Shri Guru Stuti 4) Shri Shankar Stuti 5) Shri Vishnu Stuti 6) Shri Krishna Stuti 7) Shri Devi Stuti 8) Prakirna: Mantra, Shloka 9) Prakirna: Mantra 10) Sangachhadnam 11) Nirvanshatakam 12) Devi Suktam Project conceived, music composed, arranged & conducted by: Ashit Desai Singer: Ashit Desai Recorded at : Trupti Studio (Ahmedabad) Recorded by: Mahesh Joshi & Prakash Jangbari Mixed and mastered at Ajivasan Sounds (Mumbai) by: Pramod Ghaisas. Asst: Mandar Wadkar Special Thanks to : H.H. Swami Shree Tadrupanandji H.H. Swamini Shree Shraddhanandji (Manan Ashram - Bharuch) Courtesy: Dr. Prakash Vaishnav, Dr. Nikunj Vaishnav (Chicago - USA)
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