Jomo (Ravi Baswani), a film fanatic, Omi Rakesh Bedi), a self styled poet and Siddarth (Farooque Shaikh) the bookworm share a terrace room in Delhi. Being heavy smokers they are in debt to Lalan Mia (Saeed Jaffrey), the local paanwalla. Bachelors and confirmed skirt chasers, except for Siddarth, they lead a happy, carefree life until disaster strikes. The comely Neha (Deepti Naval), enters their lives and bang!, the peace is shattered.
A kidnapping, a mad chase, gunplay and commotion ensue. This debut directorial film from Sai Paranjpye, a comedy, was nominated for the Best Film and Best Director for the Filmfare Awards (1982). Special mention: “Kali ghodi dwar kadi” and “Kaha se aaye bhadra”, two beautiful songs by Yesudas and Hemanti Shukla.
Farooque Shaikh, Deepti Naval, Saeed Jaffrey,Rekesh Bedi, Leela Mishra, Ravi Baswani
All Regions 5.1 Dolby DigitalDigital Versatile DISC DVD 9NTSCColourwith English Sub-TitlesDVD Authored by SHEMAROO
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