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The Sri Yantra

The Sri Yantra has been around for well over 12,000 years, used for worship, devotion, and meditation. In the Hindu religion, the Sri Yantra represents the meeting between the physical universe as we know it today and the source from which the universe came. Among all the mandala symbols, the Sri Yantra (known by some as the Sri Chakra or Chakra Raja) is considered the most fundamental or "prime" mandala.

Yantra is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as "Power Diagram" or "Instrument," Sri Yantra as "Holy Instrument" or "King of Power Diagrams" depending on who you ask. (When referred to as the Chakra Raja, the term translates to "King of all Chakra"). It's both symbolic of Hindu Tantra and a core part of the Shri Vidya subset of Hinduism, adherents to which make the Sri Yantra an object of worship.

The central figure of a Sri Yantra consists of nine triangles, interlocking and connected to each other at their common points. The four isosceles triangles pointing upwards represent the masculine form or Shiva. The five isosceles triangles pointing downwards stand for the female form or Shakti. (The Sri Yantra therefore can also be seen as standing for the union of male and female divinity).

The center "power point" (bindu) stands for the invisible center that is the origin of both the figure and the cosmos, while the interlacing of the nine triangles forms a web of 43 more triangles: a web meant to symbolize the complexity and interlocking nature of the cosmos, expressing non-duality (Advaita). Surrounding the center are two lotuses of eight and sixteen petals (the lotus of creation and of reproductive vital force, respectively) as well as the "earth square" reminiscent of a temple with four doors.

While it seems simple to draw when you first look at it, the common connections between the triangles make drawing the Sri Yantra exceedingly difficult without running into errors at the intersections. Sometimes it's concurrency, where the triple intersections fail to come together at one point. Sometimes it's a problem of concentricity or centeredness, where the "bindu" isn't at the center of both the innermost triangle and the outer circle.

And sometimes the problem is as simple as the innermost triangle not being equilateral. Making matters even worse for the student of sacred geometry, there are many different variations in the way the Sri Yantra has been drawn over the years. This is probably because the best-known historical methods for drawing this intractably difficult figure were quite imprecise and a little incomplete.

However, modern researchers have largely solved the problem of creating accurate Sri Yantras. We now know three different forms: the flat, the pyramidal, and the spherical. Both the flat and the pyramidal date back to antiquity... the pyramidal just comes from interpreting the Sri Yantra as having nine levels (at which point it's called the Nav Chakra).

The spherical is by far the hardest to draw, and even today is mostly drawn with computer aid. However, drawing a flat Sri Yantra is easily done with pen, ruler, and paper if you have access to modern instructions. After 12,000 years of research, it's finally easy for anyone to re-create one of the most famous and certainly one of the oldest mandala symbols.


Q1. What is the purpose of a Yantra?

Yantra (device) in Tantric tradition is the manifestation of the Mantra, which serves the purpose of providing order to the world and allowing the Tantric practitioner to meditate upon the powers of the deity by providing them with a visual map of reaching said god or goddess. In the Tantra belief system, the human body is the ultimate Yantra. Thus, a Yantra in Tantric art recreates the inner levels of a human body, crossing which the inner consciousness attains Kundalini Jagaran.

Q2. How do you keep Yantra?

The placement of a Yantra in your ritual space depends upon the material and form of the Yantra. Yantra paintings are hung on the wall in front of the initiate and three-dimensional Yantra and Yantra engraved on metal plates are kept in the place of worship.

The area around the Yantra is considered sacred and is usually marked with flowers, vermillion, rice, and other ritually pure substances. Sometimes during the Tantric practice, the practitioner draws a temporary Yantra design in front of them, which is reused or neutralized upon the completion of the particular rite.

Q3. What is the importance of Sri Yantra?

Sri Yantra in Hindu Tantra is the “queen of all Yantras”. This is because, through its placement of geometrical patterns, the Yantra represents the powers of the primordial mother- Adi Shakti, who is at the root of all activity in the Universe- creation, sustenance, and destruction.

Q4. Why are Yantras made of copper?

Copper according to Hindu rules on metallurgy is one of the purest materials on earth. Religious icons, including Yantras, are thus made from copper, which gives them a pristine sacredness for Tantric rituals.

Q5. Are Yantras effective?

Tantric traditions and practitioners have unwavering faith in the effectiveness of Yantras and vouch for having experienced its potent efficiency during and after a ritual has been completed. Owing to the widespread knowledge of the powers of Yantras, a huge variety of Yantras are created and worshipped across India and the world.