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Original Texts which are the Source of Tantra

According to the tradition found in the Tantric texts themselves, Tantras are innumerable. The Nityasodasikarnava says that Tantras are endless in number but records only sixty-four Kaula Tantras. The Saundaryalahari, attributed by some to Sankaracarya, refers to sixty- four Tantras. The Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta states that there are three groups of ten, eighteen and sixty-four Saiva Tantras.

The Saktisangamatantra refers to the Tantric sects and treatises of the Vaisnavas, Ganapatyas, Saivas, Svayambhuvas, Candras, Pasupatas, Cinas, Jainas, Kalamukhas and Vaidikas. The Sammoha or Sammohana- tantra knows the existence of 402 Saiva Tantras, 339 Vaisnava Tantras, 180 Saura Tantras, 122 Ganapatya Tantras and 39 Bauddha Tantras.

The numbers are fictitious, but they show that the author of the said Tantra had a vague idea of the sects and their texts. The same Tantra states that China possesses 100 principal Tantras and 7 subsidiary ones, Dravida 20 principal and 20 subsidiary ones, and Gauda 27 principal and 16 subsidiary ones.

A classification of Tantric texts on the basis of the three currents of Tantric tradition daksina, vama and madhyama is also found each of which is again subdivided into two classes, inner (harda) and outer (bahya). This division is also made in terms of divya, kaula and vama. The amnaya divisions, six or nine, of the regions are often brought under two general categories Kadimata and Hadimata.

There is also a tradition of classifying Tantras into astaka, mangala, cakra and sikha. Tantric texts are known by such names as Tantra, Upatantra, Agama, Samhita, Yamala, Damara, Tattva, Kalpa, Arnava (ka), Uddala, Uddisa, Upasamkhya, Cudamani, Vimarsini, Cintamani, Purana, Upasajna, Kaksaputi. Kalpadruma, Kamadhenu, Sabhava, Avataranaka, Sukta, Amrta (tarpana), Darpana, Sagara, etc.

The terms Tantra, Agama and Samhita are very often used in the same sense, each of which denotes any type of religious text. According to Pingalamata Agama is that by which the objects around are known. The name is also explained as that class of Tantra which is addressed to Parvati by Siva.

It is said that the word is formed by the first letters of agata (that which comes from Siva), gata (that which goes to Parvati) and mata (that which is established). It is called Agama because knowledge proceeds from it, Sastra because everything is controlled and protected by it, Jnana because everything can be known through it, and Tantra because everything is preserved and perpetuated by it.

According to the Varahitantra, Agama deals with seven topics, viz., cosmology, destruction, worship of god, sadhana, purascarana, six forms of rites and four forms of meditation. The number of Agamas of the Pancaratra school is generally stated to be 108, but on comparison with different lists their number appears to be more than 200.

The basic Saiva Agamas are 18 in number according to one tradition, and 28 according to another. Other sects have their own Agamas also. The Varahitantra gives a list of twelve special Agamas which are Muktaka, Prapanca, Sarada, Narada, Maharnava, Kapila, Yoga, Kalpa, Kapinjala, Amrtasuddhi, Vira and Siddhasamvarana.

Another class of Tantric literature is called Damara which traditionally consists of six texts known as Siva, Yoga, Durga, Sarasvata, Brahma and Gandharva. Yamala is a special class of Tantric literature, the principal ones being eight in number: Rudra, Skanda, Brahma, Visu, Yama, Vayu, Kubera and lndra. Two other old texts Pingalamata and Jayadratha belong to the Yamala group. Besides there are other Yamalas like Aditya and Ganesa.

An ordinary Tantra has a form somewhat similar to that of a Purana, since it theoretically discusses in order the same five subjects (pancalaksana): the creation and dissolution of the universe, the worship of gods, the attainment of supernatural power, and union with the supreme being. But here the mythological elements are absent. Instead we find details of ritual acts and practices which remind us of the contents of Brahmana literature.

We have Tantric parallels of all Smarta and Puranic rites. A fourfold division of Tantra topics into Vidya, Kriya, Yoga and Carya is indicated in many texts. In some cases Yoga and Carya are indicated in many texts. In some cases Yoga and Carya have been substituted by Upaya and Siddhi. There is also a twofold division into Kriyatantra and Yogatantra.

In a good number of Puranic texts Tantric subjects have been incorporated. Apararka quotes a passage from the Devi purana wherein the qualification of a Sthapaka, i.e. one who performs the installation of God, is considered in terms of his ability in Tantric rituals. The Kalika purana devotes many chapters to the description of mantras, mudras, kavacas, nyasas, etc.

The Agni purana states that the worship of Visnu and other gods should follow the Vaidiki, Tantriki or Misra way, the first and third being for the higher varnas and the second or Tantriki for the Sudras. The Bhagavata purana mentions Tantric cults of Visnu, Vaidiki and Tantriki diksa, Tantric methods of angas, upangas, ayudhas, etc. Many Tantric elements are found in the medieval Nibandhas.


Q1. What are the main tantric texts?


Tantric texts are usually associated with a particular tradition and deity. The different types of Tantric literature are:


Tantra, Agama, sahita, sutra, upaniad, puraa, tika (commentaries), prakaraa, paddhati texts, stotram, kavaca, nighaṇṭu, koa, and hagiographical literature. They are written in Sanskrit and regional languages.


The major textual Tantra traditions with some key exemplary texts are as follows:


Saiva – Sadasiva (Sivagama), Vama or Tumburu, Dakia or Bhairava


Sivasakthi – Yamala (also part of Bhairava tradition


Sakta – Kali traditions (Kali, Kali Viṣṇu, Kamakhya/Kubjika, Tara and Others), Srikula

Kula - Kulamarga and Other tantras


Vaiṣṇava – Vaikhanasas, Pancharatra, bhakti-oriented tantras of Krsna and Rama

Q2. How often should you practice tantra?


As a beginner practitioner, a tantrika would, first of all, develop and adhere to a daily spiritual practice that includes techniques from Tantra Yoga, Tantric Meditation, and pranayama, and could additionally supplement with exercises from Tantric Sexuality and Tantra Massage.

In time the practitioner would progress on the yogic and tantric path and gain further advanced techniques that will transform and purify the mind, body, and spirit more and more. Through steady motivation and determination, Tantra supersedes its influence as merely a daily practice and eventually becomes a way of life with practical applications for existence and everyday experiences.

Q3. What are the four types of tantra?


Kriya tantra – the bliss of partners looking at each other. Were taught to practitioners for performing ritual bathing, the sprinkling of scented water, the use of mudras, and the chanting of mantras.


Charya tantra – the bliss of smiling at each other. It is for internal meditative stabilization without relying on very many activities


Yoga tantra – the bliss of hugging each other. Mainly rely on meditative stabilization and rely on only a few external activities.


Anuttarayoga tantra – the bliss of being in the union. It uses sexual union and is thus also designated the “tantra of the union of two.”

Q4. What is the difference between tantra and tantric?


Tantras are works that primarily focus on ritual and meditative practices, so the term tantric also envelops the practices associated with these scriptures, which were traditionally distributed by the tantric practitioners with the texts. Tantra and the tantric traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism have been subjected to a great deal of misunderstanding.

As an adjective, tantric is describing Vajrayana Buddhism, any branch of yoga or esoteric traditions rooted in India. Tantric is a derived term of tantra- tantric sex. As a noun tantra is a Hindu or Buddhist religious or esoteric text - white, red, or black tantra.