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The Philosophies of Vedanta, Illustrated in Telugu

The theory of Non-Duality combined with Self-Knowledge is an essential theory of the Advaita Vedanta philosophy. Non-Duality as a theory educates an individual not only about their own self or about how the larger world works, but also about how they can live their life to the fullest as human beings. It is manifested through Adhyatma Yoga.

When an individual achieves spiritual enlightenment, their inner Self is identical to the Self, or truth, in all other beings. This leads to the discovery of true Self-knowledge which enables the individual to experience complete fulfillment and peace. According to non-duality, there is a non-dual reality that can be experienced firsthand. Help is necessary for this, and it must eventually come from that Absolute Reality.

The concept of non-duality is founded on reason and is not restricted to any religion. In the non-dual perspective, the world's diversity is contained inside an all-pervasive unity. Understanding the essence of this unity entails understanding the origin of everything. According to Vishishtadvaita, the highest and inner soul of the world as well as the jivatma is Brahman. Brahman has a body-soul (Sharira-Shariri) connection with the universe and Jivatma. The body and fundamental components of Brahman are Jivatma and the universe.

Adi Shankaracharya - the great sage of Advaita Vedanta

The great sage, Adi Shankaracharya worked towards uniting the Sanatanis during his time, and came up with the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. Shankara's way of thinking was intense and drew on hundreds of years of idle spiritualist and monist originations. With his ability to engage in spiritual discourse, Shankaracharya published several commentaries on the sutras and shastras (the Upanishads, etc.) and attracted a large following.

His most crucial message was that moksha could not be attained solely by reason and philosophical notions (liberation). He held that a devotee could only experience his inner Self via selflessness and compassion regulated by viveka (discrimination). The incredible Universe, our cognizance, and our actual selves are obviously capable, however as indicated by his hypothesis, they are not the Absolute Reality. By saying this, he wasn't keeping the existence from coming to light, yet rather uncovered the relationship of our principal nature with the body, mind, and psyche.

Discover the other significant schools of Vedanta Philosophy


It is a branch of Vedanta philosophy that holds that all diversity is a reflection of a deeper unity. Vishishtadvaita is a non-dualistic branch of Vedanta philosophy, which translates as "Advaita with uniqueness."   According to its philosophy, Brahman is the only being that exists, but it is multifaceted. It can be categorized as qualified non-dualism, qualified attributive monism. The three main tenets of Vishishtadvaita are:

1.) Tattva : The understanding of the three true entities, namely Ishvara, ajiva, and jiva.

2.) Hita : The methods for attaining enlightenment, such as bhakti (devotion) and prapatti (self-surrender).

3.) Purushartha : The desired outcome, such as moksha or freedom from slavery.


In contrast to the Advaita Vedanta and Vishishtadvaita, the Dvaita believes that there exists no relationship between the Absolute Reality, Brahman and the individual soul (Jivatma). Although Dvaita Vedanta accepts two fundamental ideas, it maintains that one of them—the sentient—is utterly dependent upon the other.

Although never identical to the divine, the individual souls are represented as reflections, pictures, or shadows of the divine. Therefore, the understanding that everything of finite existence is fundamentally dependent on the Supreme is referred to as moksha (freedom).