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The Unique Lalita Sahasranama

It is a typical practice among all humans to approach their moms, as opposed to their dads, if and when they need something. The mother later retells what happened to the dad or she does it without anyone's help, utilizing her assets. When we visit temples, we worship Karpagambal prior to going to Lord Shiva' s sannidhi, or on the other hand on the off chance that it is a Vaishnavite temple, we enter the Thayar sannidhi first and afterwards Lord Vishnu's. This is on the grounds that the Goddesses work with the fulfillment of our requests.

In this manner, it really isn't surprising that Lalitha Saharsanamam is one of the main two prayers to God recited in multiple locations— be it in a temple, a family event or a marriage, and so on. Lalitha Sahasranamam is strong to such an extent that it will guarantee a day-to-day existence liberated from the struggles of neediness, chronic sickness, mental pressure, and so forth. 

Other varieties of Sahasranamam

The most notable sahasranāmas are:

☛ Vishnu sahasranama, is a Vaishnavism stotra, and is found in segment 13.135 (Anushasana Parva) of the Mahabharata,and all Puranas are connected to Vaishnavism.

☛ Shiva sahasranama, is a Shaivism stotra, likewise viewed as in 13.17 of the Mahabharata. It exists in eight different versions. The most popular variant is from Book 13 of the Mahabharata.

☛ Lalita sahasranama, is a Shaktism stotra.  Devi-related worship is a part of the Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa.

☛ Ganesha sahasranama, is a Ganesha stotram. One adaptation is tracked down in the Ganesha Purana.

☛ Hanuman Sahasranama, is a Hanuman stotra told by Valmiki. Its origin is obscure and it is ascribed to Ramachandra who is the diviner for this stotra.

Tantrikas serenade the Bhavani Nāma Sahasra Stuti and the Kali Sahasranāma. The Vishnu and Shiva variants of Sahāsranamas are extremely popular among the Hindu population, the Lalita Sahasranama has been significantly famous in the southern part of the country. The Ganesha Sahasranama is essentially recited by Ganapatya, the Bhavani Nāma Sahasra Stuti is the favorite of Kashmiri Paṇḍits, and the Kali Sahasranāma is generally recited by Bengalis. 

As stotras, Sahasranamas are melodies of commendation, a sort of reflection literature. The word is a compound of sahasra ``thousand" and nāman "name". A Sahasranāma frequently incorporates the names of different divinities. Thus the Ganesha Sahasranama rundown of 1,000 names incorporates Brahma, Vishnu, Shakti, Shiva, Rudra, SadaShiva and others.

It likewise incorporates designations like Jiva (life force), Satya (truth), Param (most noteworthy), Jnana (information) and others. The Vishnu Sahasranama incorporates work and jñāna-yājna (presenting of information) as two characteristics of Vishnu. The Lalita Sahasranama, comparatively, incorporates the energies of a goddess that manifest for a person as want, intelligence and action. 

A sahasranama gives a brief rundown of characteristics, temperances and legends represented by a divinity. There are likewise numerous more limited stotras, containing just 108 names (108 being a holy number in Dharmic religions) and is called ashtottara-shata-nāma. 


Q1. Who composed Sahasranama?

The Sahasranama was composed by Sage Vyasa. He was also the author of the legendary epic, Mahabharata. 

Q2. What is the primary benefit of Vishnu Sahasranama?

Reciting 1,000 names of Lord Hari Vishnu draws in goodness, delight and harmony or more of his favors/blessings. Reciting the mantras or slokas or stotras assists us with staying focussed throughout everyday life.

Q3. What are Vishnu Sahasranama and its importance?


Vishnu Sahasranama is a famous Sanskrit text that exists in the epic Mahabharata. It contains the list of non-repetitive 1,000 transcendental names of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Vishnu Sahasranama is popular among the Vaishnavas (devotees of Lord Vishnu) who chant the hymn with great devotion. The Vedic scriptures mention that chanting the holy names of the Lord is the only means of deliverance in this age of Kali, and thus those who recite the Vishnu Sahasranama are not bewildered in any situation and achieve liberation from the repeated cycle of birth and death.