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Switching the Lens to Tamil Philosophy - An Underrated Conviction

The concept of nationalism in Tamil Nadu is the philosophy that declares that the Tamil population makes an entire country and advances the social solidarity of Tamil individuals. Tamil nationalism can be originally labeled as a secular form of nationalism that emphasizes language and country. It communicates itself through phonetic purism ("Pure Tamil"), patriotism and irredentism ("Tamil Eelam"), Social uniformity ("Self-Respect Movement"), and Tamil Renaissance. 

Even though nationalism is a rather modern concept, the declaration of semantic personality found in the development of Pure Tamil has ancestors, in a "dedication to Tamil" (rather than Sanskrit) noticeable in old Sangam writing. The poetry of Sangam's writing suggests a cognizance of freedom or uniqueness from adjoining locales. Essentially, Silappadhikaaram, a post-Sangam epic, places social respectability on the whole Tamil district and has been deciphered by Parthasarathy as introducing "a far-reaching vision of the Tamil imperium" that "represents all Tamils."  

Middle-age Tamil texts likewise exhibit elements of current Tamil semantic purism, most remarkably the case of equality of status with Sanskrit which was customarily viewed in the remainder of the Indian subcontinent as similar to a lofty, trans-local language.

Texts on prosody and poetics like the tenth-century Yaapparungalakkaarihai and the eleventh-century Veerasoazhiyam, for instance, treat Tamil as the equivalent of Sanskrit with regards to scholarly esteem and utilize the logical gadget of depicting Tamil as a delightful young woman and as an unadulterated, divine language the two of which are likewise focal in present-day Tamil nationalism. Vaishnavite and Shaivite pundits took the case of heavenly nature above and beyond, guaranteeing for Tamil a ritualistic status, and trying to inculcate Tamil texts with the ideals of the "fifth Veda."

The Tamil Bhakti Philosophy

The Bhakti philosophy is a re-visitation of the "roots" of Tamil society where the accentuation is on the current material world as opposed to forfeit and forbearance. Indeed, even the religion of the Bhakti artists is sensuous, and the Azhwars and the Nayanmars on the other hand purport to love or chide their divine beings, contingent upon their temperament, in their verse.

The Bhakti philosophy was a social response to the town-based and commercial society of Jains and Buddhists.  It might very well be viewed as an expression of the rural populace with an accentuation on horticulture. This is reflected in progress and adds to the possibility that they are "more established in Tamil culture." The verse created a colossal corpus of work deciphering the thoughts exemplified by these holy saints. 

The Greatest of Tamil Philosophers

Thiruvalluvar: Thiruvalluvar, a Tamil saint, and poet is known as the writer of the Tirukkural ("Sacred Couplets''), a magnum opus of human philosophy, which is compared to the Bible, John Milton's Paradise Lost, etc. The couplets in the Tirukkural composed by Thiruvalluvar, are profoundly aphoristic: “Adversity is nothing sinful, but / laziness is a disgrace”; “Wine cheers only when it is quaffed, but love / intoxicates at mere sight.”

Despite Tiruvalluvar's sensible tone, a lot of his thoughts were progressive. He was against the caste structure: “One is not great because of one’s birth in a noble family; one is not low because of one’s low birth.” The writer believed that human goodness is its own prize and ought not to be viewed as a simple means to a comfortable life after death.


Q1. What are the primary schools of philosophy in India?

The basic schools of philosophy in India are- Vaishesika, Nyaya, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva Mimansa, and Vedanta or Uttara Mimansa. India has six main schools of philosophy. 

Q2. What is the significance of Sangam literature in Tamil philosophy?

Sangam in a real sense signifies "gathering, meeting, brotherhood, foundation". As per David Shulman, a researcher of Tamil language and writing, the Tamil custom accepts that the Sangam writing emerged through three periods, each extending over numerous centuries.

Q3. What are the most motivational books to read in Tamil?


At Exotic India, you will find books in all genres and these books are handpicked just for your entertainment, education, and inspiration. Books are one of the best sources of knowledge and if you are looking for some books that can motivate you to lead a better life and to improve your self-confidence, these are the books that you should read: “You Can, If You Think You Can!- A Motivational Book (Tamil)” by Ravibharathi, “Self Improving Motivational Essays (Tamil)” by R. Vaidyanathan, The Magic of Motivation (Tamil)” by C.S. DevNath.