By Translated By John. A. Loud
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The long History of Triumphs of the Classical Dravidian Language, Tamil

Tamil has a sustained literary heritage spanning more than two millennia and is one of the few surviving classical languages. Due to Tamil's greater extent of diglossia and the respect classical Tamil enjoys, literary Tamil has managed to keep a large portion of its vocabulary and formal structures. As a result, literary Tamil's higher registers tend to sound more classical. 

Literature - The rich literary culture of the Tamil Language

A more than two thousand year literary tradition may be found in Tamil literature. Even older periods of evolution are evident in the maturity of the earliest existing works. While authors from Europe have made noteworthy contributions, authors from Tamil Nadu made up the majority of those who contributed to Tamil literature.

Tamil literature's history closely mirrors Tamil Nadu's, reflecting successive eras' social and political tendencies. During the Middle Ages, the early Sangam poetry's secular nature gave place to religious and pedagogical works. The development of Tamil literature was aided by medieval Jain and Buddhist authors as well as later Muslim and European writers. 

Well over a century after it gained prominence with English novelists, the novel as a work of literature began to spread to Tamil in the nineteenth century. Its development may have been aided by the huge increase in the number of Tamils who have received Modern education and have access to well-known English literature.

A variety of myths, folklores, and even Greek and Roman narratives were interwoven into this romance, which was primarily created for the reader's pleasure. Some of the stories of popular Tamil novels depict the way of life of Brahmins in rural Tamil Nadu, portraying their ceremonies, traditions, and conventions.

Hinduism - The vibrant Hindu culture of Tamil Nadu

Traditional Hinduism is centered on the Tamil region of India. Hinduism has traditionally valued the bhakti schools of Tamil culture, which are commemorated in its literature. There are multiple views on the birth of the organic bhakti movement. The movement was launched in Tamil Nadu by the Vaishnava and Shaiva saints Alvar and Nayanar.

As they traveled from place to place, the Alvars sang hymns to Vishnu. They built temples like Srirangam and disseminated Vaishnavism's ideals. The anthology of their poetry known as Divya Prabandham evolved into a potent work of Vaishnava literature. The Alvars were known as the forefathers of the Bhakti Movement because of their emphasis on Bhakti and frequent allusions to the Bhagavata Puranas.

The Saiva Nayanar poets fall under the same category. While they were on the move, they chanted hymns praising Lord Shiva. Tirumurai, a collection of their songs, eventually became the Shaiva scripture. The Bhakti Movement extended from South to North India under the influence of both the Vishnu and Shiva bhakti saints.

Astrology - Depicting the future in Tamil Culture

Tamil Nadu is the birthplace of Nadi Astrology. The word "Nadi" (ni) is the cornerstone of nadi astrology. A sign, or Rshi (Rsi), has 150 Nadis and occupies 30 degrees of the zodiac's 360 degrees. Each of the three categories of indications under the zodiacs has its own specific nomenclature, the 150 Nadis.

Philosophy - The Siddha Philosophy of Tamil Nadu

One who has "seen" Shiva is a siddha. Each Siddha is given five monikers, the first one coming from their parents, and the subsequent four referring to the various degrees of spiritual development they have accomplished. The name given by the guru (the religious master) when he welcomes the pupil is one of the following four names.


Q1. What is one of the most unique things about Tamil culture?

Tamilians have mastered the arts of weaving, spinning, and carving, and their talent is evident in a variety of artistic mediums such as artifacts, sculptor works, engravings, etc.

Q2. Who is well-known as the Father of Tamil literary works?

A respected Hindu sage, Agastaya is known as the Father of Tamil Literature.

Q3. How to find good books in Tamil?


If you are looking for some good books to read in the Tamil language, buying them from Exotic India would be the best option. We have hundreds of books in all genres and in several languages. The main genres of Tamil books that you can find on our website are History, Art and Architecture, Yoga, Philosophy, Astrology, Ayurveda, Tantra, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. These books are a great source of entertainment, knowledge, and inspiration.


Q4. What are the best books to read in Tamil?


Among many Tamil books available on Exotic India, some of the best books you can consider buying and reading are:

பாரம்பரியம்: Heritage - Healthy Parenting in Tamil (Pocket Book)” published by Silverfish, Chennai

.பி.ஜே. அப்துல் கலாம்- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in Tamil (Comic Book)” published by Agasthiar Publications

சத்ரபதி சிவாஜி ரயில்முனை- Chatrapathi Sivaji Railmunai (Tamil Children Book)” by T.A. Srinivasan

படித்திருக்கிறீர்களா?புதுத் தமிழ் இலக்கிய நூல்- Have You Read It? New Tamil Literature Book (Tamil)” by K. N. Subramaniam

சித்தமருத்துவ உடல் தத்துவம்- Siddha Maruthuva Udal Thattuvam- An Old and Rare Book (Tamil)” by S. Chidambara Thanu Pillai.


Q5. Can you suggest to me some good novels in the Tamil language?


Novels are fun to read and there are many novels that also teach us many lessons to improve our mindset and life. If you are looking for some of the best novels from Exotic India, these are a few options for you:

கேட்ட வரம்: நாவல்- Ketta Varam: Novel (Tamil)” by Anuttama

ஆறங்கம் அரசியல் நாவல்- Arangam is a Political Novel (Tamil)” by R. Natarajan

அம்பிகாவும் எட்வர்ட் ஜென்னரும்- Ampikaavum Etvart Nennarum: Novel (Tamil)” by Suresh Kumara Indrajith

இழப்பின் வரைபடம்- Illappin Varaipadam: Novel (Tamil)” by Lara Fergus.


Q6. What are some good modern Tamil novels?


Some of the best modern novels that you can buy and read for your entertainment are:

பணம்-பெண்-பாசம்- Panam Pen Paasam (Tamil Novel)” by Javar Seetharaman

கடத்தல் காற்று- Traffic Wind (Tamil Novel)” by Kottayam Pushpanath

மோகத்திலே என்னை மூழ்க வைத்து- Mogathiley Ennai Moolga Vaithu (Tamil Novel)” by Kottayam Pushpanath

“Oru Pinanthookkyin Varalaatru Kurippugal in Tamil (Novel)” by Maalan

சீனத்து மங்கை - Chinese Woman (Tamil Novel)” by Mullai Muthiah. All these novels are available on Exotic India and you can consider buying them.


Q7. What are some good Tamil novels for starters?


If you love reading novels in your free time, as a beginner, you may choose to read the following Tamil novels:

செல்வி: Selvi (Tamil Novel)” by S. Ganesalingan

“Irandam Idam in Tamil (Novel)” by Kruinjivelan

ஆசிய ஜோதி ஜவாஹர்- Padagu Veedu (Tamil Novel)” by RA. K. Rangarajan

மோகத்திலே என்னை மூழ்க வைத்து- Mogathiley Ennai Moolga Vaithu (Tamil Novel)” by Kottayam Pushpanath

Alai Osai- Sahitya Akademi Award-Winning Tamil Novel” by Kalki. You can easily find these novels on Exotic India and buy and read them for your entertainment.


Q8. Which Tamil book is best for reading?


The best Tamil book for reading and filling your life with God’s divinity is “கிருஷ்ண பக்தி: A Beginner's Guide to Krsna Consciousness (Tamil)” by Bhakti Vikas Swami. In this book, the author has mentioned the practical and easy-to-understand guide to bring us closer to Krishna, the Supreme Lord.

This information is strictly based on authentic Vedic scriptures such as Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana). After reading this book, you will be highly inspired to start your spiritual journey toward the ultimate reality which is full of bliss.