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Malayalam, the Classical Language of India and its Interpretation on Astrology

The Malayalam language is a part of the South Dravidian subgroup of the Dravidian language family. Malayalam is spoken mostly in India, where it is the authoritative language of the province of Kerala and the union territory, Lakshadweep. It is likewise spoken by bilingual networks in parts of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Malayalam has three significant regional vernaculars and various smaller ones.

Vedic Astrology and Malayalam

Vedic Astrology is an honorable science from the time of the Vedas. This was established, researched and created by the maharishis during the Vedic period. Among them, Aryabhatta, Maharishi Parashara, Varaha Mihira, Garga and Kalidasa are known for their commitments. The beginning of this science can be traced back to 4000 years.

Vedic astrology deals with just 8 planets specifically the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and two shadowy planets Rahu (the winged serpent's head) and Kethu (the mythical beasts tail). The Indian School of Vedic astrology perceives 27 heavenly bodies from Aswini to Revathy. The Planets move under 12 indications of the zodiac covering the whole sky, from Aries to Pisces.

In different parts of the country, celestial prophets have their strategies for inferring astrological arrangements. The Kerala technique for the depiction of Horoscopes is exceptionally esteemed for the precision of an astrological prediction. Kerala had made several critical contributions in the field of Vedic astrology by contributing "Prasna Marga", considered the highest authority of Horary astrology and Aryabhatiya by Aryabhata, the 4th-century celestial prophet.

This book is notable for its precision. Kerala astrology is likewise popular for its commitment to the field of Vasthu Vidya or standards of building construction, popularly known as Vastu Shastra. A new practice of the prasna branch of Hindu astrology, Ashtamangala Prasnam emerged in Kerala and was immortalized in the Malayalam language.

Ashtamangala Prasna is utilized to learn the obscure reasons for unwanted circumstances and to design healing activities for the individuals suffering from unwelcome circumstances and their families. A similar process when applied to the existence of Hindu worship places is known as Ashtamangala Deva Prasna. This time, the questions for which answers are looked for will be alternate.

The aim is to test the brain of the presiding divinity to settle on the activities to be played out that would improve the spiritual feel of the Hindu places of worship. For instance, the querist might wish to know whether pujas and celebrations are performed rigorously according to acknowledged standards, whether there are any breaches in it, what formative activities are going to be satisfactory to the presiding deity, etc.

Ashtamangala prasna utilizes omens as well as a ton of numerology too. One significant part of the underlying phases of the prasna cycle is the assurance of the Ashtamangala number. The instrument for inferring these are cowry shells which have been uniquely chosen, cleansed, and purified. For prasna, 108 cowries are utilized. The celestial prophet initially contacts the cowries while mulling over his mantra and requesting spiritual counsel.

Then, the astrologer arbitrarily separates the shells into three heaps. The astrologer then goes to each heap of cowries and makes note of multiples of eight and retains the rest; if zero is the remainder, then eight cowries are held on to. A three-digit number is derived along these lines and it is the Ashtamangala number of the prasna. The digits should be demonstrative of the past, present and future consciously from left to right. Odd numbers are viewed as great, even numbers have a negative connotation.


Q1. What is the purpose of Hindu Astrology?

Hindu astrology is a technique for anticipating everyday occasions in view of beliefs that divine bodies decide or demonstrate changes in the sublunar world.

Q2. Can astrology predict the future?

Despite certain preconceived notions, its motivation isn't to think about what will befall you later on. All things being equal, it's intended to be a guiding device that engages you to go with cognizant choices.