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Dive Deeper into the True Essence of the Puranas in one of the most Beautiful Western Indian Language, Gujarati

The Puranic writing is encyclopedic, and it incorporates different subjects like cosmogony, cosmology, lineages of divine beings, goddesses, lords, legends, sages, and mythical beings, classic stories, journeys, temples, medication, space science, language structure, mineralogy, humor, romantic tales, as well as philosophy and reasoning. The content is profoundly conflicting across various Puranas.

The Hindu Maha Puranas are customarily credited to "Vyasa", yet numerous researchers thought of them as crafted by many creators throughout the long term. There are 18 Mukhya Puranas (Major Puranas) and 18 Upa Puranas (Minor Puranas),with more than 400,000 sections. 

They have been persuasive in the Hindu culture, motivating significant public and yearly celebrations of Hinduism. The strict religious practices noted down in the Puranas are viewed as Vaidika (consistent with Vedic writing), since they don't teach inception into Tantra. The Bhagavata Purana has been among the most celebrated and well-known texts of the Puranic type, and is, according to some, of non-dualistic tenor.

Kurma Purana in Gujarati

The Kurma Purana is one of the eighteen Mahapuranas, and a medieval period Vaishnavism text of Hinduism. The text is named after the turtle symbol of VishnuThe Kurma Purana, like different Puranas, incorporates a philosophical Gita. It is named Ishvaragita, and its eleven sections are a variation of the Bhagavad Gita, portraying Lord Shiva as the spokesperson. These eleven parts are in the Uttaravibhāga.

The Ishvara-Gita acquires and alludes to the Upanishads like the Katha Upanishad and Shvetashvatara Upanishad. It presents yoga and vrata like the Bhagavad Gita, yet as a talk from Shiva. The talk starts after Vishnu and Shiva embrace one another, as indicated by the text, and afterwards, Vishnu welcomes Shiva to make sense of the idea of the world, life and self.

Shiva makes sense of Atman (soul, self), Brahman-Purusha, Prakriti, Maya, Yoga and Moksha. The philosophical topic is based on Advaita Vedanta's thoughts, that is underlining the character of the Atman (individual soul) and the Ultimate Reality idea of Brahman. The text is eminent for affirming that anybody from any varna can accomplish freedom through Bhakti yoga.

Matsya Purana in Gujarati

It portrays the tale of Matsya, the first of ten significant Avatars of the Hindu god Vishnu. The text depicts the folklore of an extraordinary flood, where on earth and people governed by Manu, the seeds of all plants and residing creatures, as well as its insight books (Vedas) were saved by the Matsya symbol of Vishnu. The Matsya Purana covers a different scope of subjects, numerous irrelevant to Vishnu.

The text remembers a comparable inclusion for legends of god Shiva and god Vishnu and devotes a part to goddess Shakti as well. Chapters 54-102 of the text examine the importance and festivity of Hindu celebrations and family festivities, for example, those connected with the Samskara (soul-changing experience).

Parts 215-227 of the text examine its speculations of the obligations of a ruler and great government, while sections 252-257 wind in a specialized conversation of how to distinguish a steady soil for home development, different engineering plans of a house alongside development related ceremonial services.