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The Vedas as a Sacred Text Remarkably Smeared by Bengali Authors

Bengal, or Bangla, derives its name from the ancient empire of Vanga, or Banga. It is mentioned in ancient Sanskrit literature, but its origins are unknown. It soon became part of the vast Mauryan empire acquired by king Ashoka. With the fall of Mauryan power, tyranny reigned once more.

The district was assimilated into Samudra Gupta's Gupta dynasty later on. It was later ruled by the Pala dynasty. Hinduism constitutes almost 70% of West Bengal and the Vedas are considered the principal spiritual text of Hindu traditions. Over the years, there have been many translations of this sacred text.

The Vedas are described as a compilation of Hindu religious texts that finds its origins in ancient India. The texts, written in Vedic Sanskrit, are the earliest evidence of Sanskrit literature and the longest living Hindu scriptures in the world. Furthermore, these texts have been separated into the Rig Veda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. 

Rig Veda

The oldest surviving Sanskrit text is the Rigveda Samhita. It encloses 1,028 Vedic Sanskrit hymns and 10,600 verses in total. The hymns are in honor of Rig Vedic Gods and Goddesses. These texts were written by poets from various priestly orders. The Rig Veda is organized around normative principles. This Veda starts with a devotional piece to the deities Agni, Indra, Soma, as well as others.


The Yajurveda is made up of prose mantras. It is a collection of religious rites soliciting priestly methodologies. The foundational text of the Yajurveda is from the Vedic Sanskrit classical Mantra period, which came into existence after Rigveda and approximately around the same time as the Atharvaveda, Rigvedic Khilani, and Samaveda.

The oldest and most primitive layer of the Yajurveda Samhita contains approximately 1,875 verses that are separate, however, they are borrowed and developed from Rigvedic verses. It is further divided into the "Black" (Krishna) and the "White" (Shukla). The phrase "black" refers to the "unorganized, motley selection" of verses in Yajurveda, as opposed to the well-organized "white" verses (well-organized) of the Yajurveda.


The Samaveda Samhita is made up of 1549 stanzas that are almost completely obtained from the Rigveda. Ancient Samaveda literature is said to have taken inspiration from the Rigvedic era, however, the compilation of the Samaveda that exists today is from the post-Rigvedic Mantra period. It appears to have come into existence at around the same time as the Atharvaveda and the Yajurveda.

The Samaveda Samhita is divided into two sections. The first section contains four melody compilations (gna), and the second section contains three verse "books' ' (rcika). The initial sections of the Samaveda, like the Rigveda, usually start with hymns to Agni and Indra before shifting to the intangible. Their meters also shift in decreasing order.


Attributed to the poets Atharvan and Angirasa, the Atharvaveda contains approximately 760 hymns, 160 of which are shared with the Rigveda. The majority of the verses exhibit harmonic progression, but some are in prose. Two versions of the text have prevailed until modern times: the Paippalada and the Aunakya.

Other scholars have proclaimed that the Atharvaveda is incorrectly referred to as the "Veda of magical formulas." The Samhita layer of the text probably reflects an emerging tradition of religious rituals that confront superstitious anxiety, spells to eliminate maladies typically caused by demons, and potions sourced from herbs and nature as medicine.

The Atharva Veda has long served as a reference and guide about Vedic culture, beliefs and traditions, ambitions and grievances of everyday Vedic life, and those affiliated with kings and governance. Apart from these Vedic texts are the embedded texts, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads


Q1. Who authored the Vedas?

The Vedas, which mean "knowledge" in Sanskrit, are a selection of hymns that display vital Hindu teachings about the Spiritual. The Vedas, which are considered infinite truths, were passed down through the generations for centuries before being transcribed in written form by Veda Vyasa.

Q2. According to the Vedas, who is considered God?

The notion of Brahman is central to the Vedas, and it is thoroughly covered in the initial Upanishads. Brahman is referred to as the Cosmic Principle in the Vedas. It has been widely characterized in the Upanishads as truth-consciousness-bliss and as the immovable, perpetual, highest reality.