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The progressive Saints of Bengal sketched through the realistic brush of Bengali authors

Saints are guides to the spiritual realm. He/She holds an essential spot in Indian religions, including Hinduism. A holy saint has a significant place in the existence of a devotee. According to the Hindu sacred writings, devotees are liberated from the sickness of birth and passing by taking shelter in the teachings of a Saint.

Most of the saints of the reformers were a part of Bengal during British rule. Furthermore, western thoughts of freedom, uniformity, and female empowerment were no more odd to them. Alongside Vedas, Ramayana, and Mahabharata, these thoughts assisted them with scrutinizing the social and cultural evils existing in Indian society and eliminating them.

In this way, when Raja Rammohan Roy needed Sati abolished and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar needed to educate the women of India, it was generally welcomed by the well-educated intellectual Bengalis as well as by the British too.

The Widow Remarriage Act was passed by Lord Canning because of Vidyasagar's endeavors. Furthermore, it was Chicago that made Swami Vivekananda the head of the world. What he would consider resistance and widespread fellowship might have made some criticism back home yet was highly valued by the western crowd.

The multifaceted Bengali Saints of India

In this multitude of religions, the existence of a Saint is viewed as fundamental for achieving enlightenment. All through the ages, numerous holy Saints have been brought into the world in Bengal-

  1. Dayanand Saraswati: Swami Dayanand Saraswati was more than just a holy saintly figure who left a profound effect on Indian culture. He established the Arya Samaj that achieved changes in the strict religious thoughts of Indians. He voiced his viewpoints against idol worship, the trivial accentuation of meaningless rituals, and misogynist rules that women are not permitted to peruse the Vedas.

    He was the first Indian Saint who denounced the caste framework in Hinduism very straightforwardly. Despite the fact that he was never truly engaged with governmental issues, his political perceptions were the wellspring of motivation for various political pioneers during India's battle for autonomy. He was given the appellation of Maharishi. 

  2. Loknath Brahmachari: One of Bengal's most respected spiritual saints, Lokenath Brahmachari was viewed as one of the most persuasive masters of the oriental way of thinking. Baba Loknath went through extreme preparation in different schools of Yoga in a few far-off areas all around the Indian subcontinent. He took on a way of life of outrageous austerity and chastity and embraced extensive stretches of fasting. He at long last accomplished Enlightenment in the Himalayas at 90 years old. 

  3. Sri Sri Ma Anandamayi: Portrayed by Sivananda Saraswati as "la fleur la plus parfaite que le sol de l’Inde ait produite" [the absolute best bloom the Indian soil has produced], Anandamayi Ma was one of India's finest saints and yoga practitioners.


  4. Rabindranath Tagore: The spiritual vision and the concept of humanism introduced by the legendary poet laureate of Bengal, Rabindranath Tagore was acquired from man, nature, and Brahma or God. He believed that in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment, the path was from the human body to the larger society, from the society to the entirety of the world, and finally from the entirety to the domain of spirituality. He believed in the practice of detachment, austerity, and redemption. He is not a firm devotee of renunciation of the universe of human faculties. 

  5. Sri Chaitanya: Sri Chaitanya was viewed as the consolidated symbol of Radha and Krishna by his followers and different sacred texts. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's method of venerating Krishna with a blissful routine significantly affected Vaishnavism in Bengal. He was likewise the main founder of the Vedantic reasoning of Achintya Bheda Abheda Tattva. Mahaprabhu established Gaudiya Vaishnavism. He built the principles of Bhakti yoga and advocated the reciting of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. 


Q1. What was the mantra by the Bhakti Saint of Bengal, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?

Sri Chaitanya recited the mantra “Haribol” as a part of his Bhakti traditions and customs. The Bhakti movement was a significant Hindu restoration development that tried to carry changes to all layers of society by teaching the act of worship to accomplish salvation.

Q2. Who was the most famous saint in Bengal?

Although not Bengali by birth, Mother Teresa who spent a lot of time in the Indian state was the most famous saint in Bengal. She was known for her love for mankind, underprivileged sections of Indian society, and children.