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The Substance of Philosophy Demonstrated by Prominent Bengali Philosophers

Philosophy has been an integral part of a Bengali’s life. Bengali philosophy was heavily impacted by religion in the Middle Ages when Bengalis depended on Gods and Goddesses, and sages for an answer to their concerns. A Bengali's devotion to Chandi, Manasa, Shitala, Lakshmi, and different gods was not only for accomplishing something in the spiritual world but for acquiring success and satisfaction in our worldly realm.

The highly educated Bengalis, who were at the forefront during the Bengali Renaissance, were motivated by Buddhist culture, Vaishnavism's faith in love, and the concept of equality in Islam. The Islamic concept of equality, Hindu devotion, and Tantrik sahajiya philosophy consolidated to make what is known as the humanistic transformation of thought in Bengal.

The philosophy of Bengal is in its culture, religion, and writing; critical Bengali figures who were labeled as "philosophers" never claimed that they were one. They introduced themselves as evangelists or artists or essayists. Charyapada is a wellspring of Buddhist Shahajia philosophy however it was composed as verse. The essayists of Charyapada uncovered their contemplations in sonnets.

The Bard of Bengal, Rabindranath Tagore was a well-known essayist and celebrated author. But, he is also an essential figure in Bengali philosophy although he never claimed to be one. In his works, one can track down various genres of philosophy, like the philosophy of human life, the philosophy of education, morals, and so forth.

The songs of the Baul community are also a massive part of Bengali philosophy. The community has its way of life and philosophy. They offer their viewpoints and theory through their music. The baul philosophy is predominantly based on the idea of god, world, soul, mind, body, life, morals, etc.

Essential components of Bengali philosophy

The way of life of Bengal characterizes the social legacy of the Bengali nation local to eastern districts of the Indian subcontinent, chiefly what is today Bangladesh and the Indian provinces of West Bengal and Tripura, where the Bengali language is the authority and essential language. The culture and its philosophy have a rich written history. Some of the important segments of Bengali philosophy are-

Sadhana: Sadhana does not just entail a specific perspective. Sadhana leads to the sustenance of human life-both internally and externally. Being human is about having some dynamism in life. Without that, a human being will be left frustrated. He needs to continue to move to a fresher chance. Sadhana is what works with that. Everything can be sadhana.

The manner in which you eat, the manner in which you sit, the manner in which you stand, the manner in which you inhale, the manner in which you lead your body, mind, and your energies and feelings - that is sadhana. Sadhana implies no particular sort of movement, sadhana implies you are involving everything as an instrument for your prosperity.

Ashtanga Yoga: The word Ashtanga includes two Sanskrit words, "Ashta'' and "Anga." "Ashta'' alludes to the number eight, while "Anga'' signifies appendage or body part. In this way, Ashtanga is the association of the eight appendages of yoga, into one complete, comprehensive framework.

These eight appendages of yoga address the different philosophical branches of the yoga sutras that structure the establishment of the Ashtanga Yoga School. The philosophy of Ashtanga is to incorporate every one of the eight appendages of yoga, which include: Yama (moral codes), Niyama (self-restraint), Asana (act), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana (reflection), and Samadhi (unity with oneself).


Q1. Who were some of the most renowned Bengali philosophers?

The most noteworthy philosophers of Bengal were Debashish Banerji, Haridas Bhattacharya, Biren Datta Gupta, Raja Rammohan Roy, Mahanambrata Brahmachari, Dwijendranath Tagore, and Rabindranath Tagore, among many others. They were known to be highly influential in shaping the Bengali way of thinking or Bengali philosophy.

Q2. Who was the pioneer of the Bengali way of thinking during the Bengali Renaissance?

The extraordinary Bengali scholar of the Bengali Renaissance was Raja Rammohan Roy. With his unbounded power for independent thought and independence from bias, he propounded a religion that was established on rational reasoning and philosophical investigation. The embodiment of his philosophy was to liberate religion from the shackles of inflexible and useless rituals and utilize it for the well-being of mankind.