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The Ultimate Collection of Dictionary and Lexicon Books for Understanding Philosophy

For those who are inclined to deeply study the philosophy of different religious sects in the most authentic way, this is your ultimate destination. The scriptural works of literature provide profound knowledge about the Absolute and are filled with technical words that are often misunderstood by common people. It is necessary to know their literal meanings to understand the complex principles and concepts for when the perspective is taken wrong, we tend to miss out on its real essence or conclusion.

Exotic India Art offers a vast collection of Lexicon English dictionary collection on philosophy books to help you dive deeper into their subject matter. Written by different renowned authors, each of our dictionary lexicon books provides detailed information on each word of particular literature – their literal meaning, the origin of the word, its usage in constructing a sentence, the context behind it, and many more.

From Vedic scriptures to books on Christianity, you can find a wide selection of options for you. Sanskrit words are explicitly explained in detail and the biblical narratives of Christian books are described to root out their proper significance. As you go through these books, you will have substantial insights into the ideology and it will be helpful either in your academic research or self-interest and curiosity. Enter into the world of transcendence and experience the wisdom beyond.


Q. What types of information do these dictionaries and lexicons provide?

These dictionaries and lexicons provide you with detailed information on various technical terms and words in philosophy books, the context behind them, their origin, and how are they used in a constructive sentence in a particular language. This helps one to get profound knowledge about the philosophical understanding of the book or scripture.

Q. What is the benefit of reading dictionaries and lexicons of philosophical books?

By going through dictionaries and lexicons, one gets the exact idea of the concept of the philosophy given in the particular book. This keeps the context and understanding of the ideology and concept intact without deviating from its real essence.

Q. Can you suggest some popular lexicons on Indian or Vedic philosophy?

Some popular lexicons on Indian philosophy are “A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy” by John Grimes, “A Glossary of Technical Terms in the Commentaries of Sankara, Ramanuja, and Madhva On the Brahma Sutras” by K. Jayammal, and “A Dictionary of Advaita Vedanta” by Swami Harshananda.

Q. Can lexicons of philosophy books be read by beginners?

Yes, lexicons can be read by people of all levels of intellectual understanding in philosophy books. They help beginners get clarity in comprehending complex words that they come across in religious texts. In this way, they can dive deeper into the concepts.

Q. What are the 4 types of dictionaries? 

1.) Specialized Dictionary – This type of dictionary is also referred to as a “technical dictionary” in which there are words related to a specific subject field. It is further divided into three categories; multi-field dictionary, single-field dictionary, and sub-field dictionary.

2.) Defining Dictionary – This is the most commonly available dictionary that provides the meaning of a word. Through these definitions, other concepts can be explained.

3.) Historical Dictionary – This is a type of descriptive dictionary that describes the development of words over a period of time.

4.) Encyclopaedic Dictionary – This dictionary contains articles, organized alphabetically, on various topics such as law, medicine, art, etc.


Q. What is a multilingual dictionary?

A multilingual dictionary is a type of dictionary that contains words or phrases in one language and is presented with its translation in several (multiple) languages. These words and phrases are generally grouped or arranged in alphabetical order. The words may also be grouped by topic. A person can choose the language of the word to be translated into his preferred language. Almost all languages are available in a multilingual dictionary.