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Selected Christian Books for People of All Ages

The messenger of God, Lord Jesus Christ, enlightened human beings on the greatest knowledge which is the knowledge of the spirit and God, and took away all their sins to purify them. Touched by his endless compassion and humility, a large population of Western countries took to Christianity. Jesus Christ’s associates and disciples compiled many books and preached to the people.

The Bible forms the foundational texts of the Christian way of life. It has two main sections or Cantos: The Old Testament and the New Testament. Christian books are the basis for Christian believers to advance in their spiritual journey towards achieving love for God. If you are interested in exploring Christianity and diving deeper into it, this comprehensive collection of Exotic India is your ultimate destination.

We have Christian philosophy books and theology books for all scholarly individuals, those inclined towards Christian principles, and casual readers. These books are meant to elevate your consciousness and deepen your faith. The collection encompasses a wide variety of books including the values and moral principles taught by Jesus Christ, commentaries on the Old Testament and the New Testament, fiction books, Bible study books, biographies of priests, and story books for children.

Each book delivers a trove treasure of wisdom unto the hearts of the readers, inspiring them to lead a successful and blissful Christian life. Children books have interesting Bible stories and come in compelling visual illustrations. Some books also offer insights into the relevance and importance of practicing Christianity in the Modern Era, driving away believers’ doubts and delusions about its practicality. Whereas, some books discuss the intersection of Christian beliefs with other religious principles and what’s common in them.

As you go through these Christian books, you will be introduced to a new vision through the transcendental wisdom and you will be transformed into a new version of yourself. This vast and curated collection of books ensures that there is a book for every reader to buy which resonates with their interests and preferences and fulfills their purpose of spiritual growth. We invite you to explore the collection and find your favorite one.

Q. Do these Christian books help in spiritual growth and understanding of the faith?

Yes, the Christian books in this collection hold great insights into the teachings and principles given by Lord Jesus Christ, his associates, and firm Christian followers and priests. The authors provide the readers with an in-depth understanding of these aspects and make the concepts simpler and more logical for them to grasp. By absorbing and contemplating the subject matter of Christian books, readers can deepen their faith in spirituality and strengthen their loving relationship with God.

Q. Can non-Christian people read these books?

Yes, Christian books are not confined only to Christian people but people of all cultural and religious backgrounds can approach the knowledge with their inquisitiveness and curiosity. These books propound the philosophy of God and anyone can relate the teachings and principles with their own religious beliefs and grow in their own path.

Q. What are some recommended Christian philosophy and theology books for beginners?

There is a wide range of Christian philosophy and theology books suitable for beginners. Some of them are: “1000 Difficult Bible Questions Answered” published by Christian World Imprints, Delhi, “Guidelines on Fundamentalism and Theological Education” by H.G. Mithra and Israel Selvanayagam, and “Divine – Human Symphony” by Yesu Karunanidhi.