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Books on Hinduism

Exotic India has a tremendous library of sacred books on Hinduism. With almost 10,000 volumes to choose from, it is the greatest online resource to study Hinduism ever compiled. And they are all available through our convenient and secure online store. Encounter the profound wisdom and spiritual liberation that have guided billions of believers for thousands of years.

Our books include the greatest and most important works in world history like the Vedas. The Vedas are the foundation of Hinduism and Indian literature, and they are said to have been breathed into life by the gods.

Each serves its own purpose in guiding you through the timeless knowledge of existence. We also have commentaries and explanations of these texts, from ancient times to present day. We also have Itihasas (epic histories) for sale.

The Mahabharata is possibly the oldest epic ever, a sprawling story that contains the gem of the spiritual world: the Bhagavad Gita. The Ramayana is similarly important, telling the tale of Rama, avatar of the god Vishnu, as he journeys through the world.

These Hindu books for sale not only give you an understanding of the greatest mythological and spiritual tradition on earth, but they also help guide you on your own path. Because of this, these works are made available to serve humanity.

Exotic India is proud to provide the largest selection of Hindu books. With so many titles, you can seek guidance and understanding for every part of life. The Vedas are the foundation of Hinduism. They are four in number: Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda.

Each Veda is divided into four parts: Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka and Upanishads.

Following the Vedas come the collection of Hindu Books called the Srauta Sutras. These describe how the mantras of the Vedas have to be used in the various sacrifices or Yajnas. Next are the collection of books known as Grhya Sutras. These detail how a follower of Hinduism should conduct himself. Then come the Dharma Sutras, which delineate what Dharma is and how it should be followed.

After the Dharma sutras are the Itihasas (epic histories) like Ramayana and Mahabharata (of which Bhagavad Gita is a part) and the Puranas, which are eighteen in number, the most famous of which are the Shrimad Bhagawatam and Shiva Purana.

A study of Hindu books indicates that Hinduism is not merely a religion, but a way of life, where spiritual progress is made possible for everyone, whatever be his or her station in life. Presented here is the world's largest collection of Hindu books, covering all the aspects of this profound religion.


How many books are there in Hindu mythology?

There are, in general, 18 sources that are held in high regard. Hindu literature addresses every facet of life, including logic, relationships, art, economics, philosophy, and language. Ritual components can be found in all four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda). Under these four Vedas, there are more than 200 Upanishads, or philosophical treatises.

There are auxiliary disciplines that are compiled into 6 collections known as the Vedangas to complement the study of the 4 Vedas. Daily instruction is provided through the Puranas, Dharmashastras, Mimasa, and Nyaya. Hindus are influenced by three groups of manuals: Dharmasutras, Grihaysutras, and Agamas.

What are the 3 most important Hindu gods?

It is often said that there is a trinity of Hindu gods: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer. But while Vishnu and Shiva have followers and temples all over India, Brahma is not worshiped as a major deity.

Many consider the doctrine of the trimurti to be an attempt to reconcile different approaches to the divine with each other and with the philosophical doctrine of ultimate reality (brahman). The concept was known at least by the time of Kalidasa’s poem Kumarasambhava (“Birth of the War God”; 4th–5th century CE).

What was the first religious book?

The Rig Veda is the earliest of the four Vedas, and the philological and linguistic evidence indicates that the Rig Veda is one of the oldest existing religious texts in any Indo-European language. It is a large collection of hymns in praise of the gods, which are chanted in various rituals.

They were composed in an archaic language named Vedic that gradually evolved into classical Sanskrit. The Rig Veda consists of 1028 hymns, organised into ten books known as maṇḍalas. Each maṇḍala has sūktas (hymns) formed by individual strophes from which the name Rig Veda arises.

What is the best book in religion?

The Bhagavad Gita, a conversation between Arjun and Krishna, is the foremost important religious text. Within the course of giving Arjun all manner of spiritual and material advice, Krishna explains karma, the Self, the Supreme Self, the aim of yoga, the difference between our Self and our material, how our surroundings affect our consciousness, and the way to realize the perfection of life.

It is the essence of Vedic knowledge. Its teachings are within the exemplar manner by putting ideal humans, sometimes the God himself, in situations of huge dilemma. It also explains the assorted situations that humans face throughout their life and how they ought to handle them.

How do you write a religious book?

The main difference between a book about faith and other books is not so much what is seen, but what is unseen. The most popular faith-based books have story settings where people overcoming impossible challenges.

Faith comes to life through stories, and those stories will be remembered longer than any list of does and don’ts. A good story helps ensure your words have staying power. Moreover, the more implausible the story, the more you need to anchor it in details that make it seem real.

What is the purpose of religious books?

These religious literatures are an ideal source of wisdom. These types of books cover many primary topics ranging from economics, polity, war, peace, love, relationships, spirituality, dilemmas, and insight to history to human bonds.

Holy literature is not only a great source of informative knowledge but, they are a useful source of creativity too. These texts include a lot of actual historical accounts. It aids us avoid repetition of the same errors of the past, with substantial lessons and values associated with each such event.

What is called religious book?

Scriptures are more commonly referred to as religious books. They vary greatly in form, volume, age, and degree of sacredness, but their common attribute is that their words are regarded by the devout as sacred.

Sacred words differ from ordinary words in that they are believed either to possess or convey spiritual and magical powers or to be the means through which a divine being or other sacred reality is revealed in phrases and sentences full of power and truth.

How many religious books are there?

In Christianity, the Old and New Testament, and the Apocrypha, which are regarded as Scriptures by 2/3 of Christians (Catholics and Orthodox) are followed. Islam considers the holy Qur’an as their primary religious book. Hinduism has Rig Veda, Bhagavad Gita, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda.

The followers of Buddhism refer to Dhammapada, Pali Canon. The adherents of Judaism read Tanakh and the Talmud. The Sikhs regard the Adi Granth as their holy book. In Jains, the Tattvartha Sutra is followed. In Zoroastrianism, the Avesta is considered as the holy book.