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Unlock the Mysteries of the Stars : Astrology Books in Hindi for Beginners and Experts


Q1. What is the best astrology book in Hindi?


Astrology is the study of stars based on the Vedic scriptures. It is a mysterious science that makes people wants to understand it. An astrologer studies the various factors of astrology and predicts the future of a person.

It is a vast subject matter and only a few people have the power to understand it deeply. Many books have been written by various astrologers that describe how to read palmistry and determine the positions of various stars. One such book is “नज़म ज्योतिष: Nazm-E-Astrology” by Rohit Sharma.


Q2. What are some good astrology books?


Good books help us get to the core of knowledge and thus become the best of friends to a person. There are several books on astrology, a great science since ancient times, at Exotic India. Some of the best astrology books in Hindi that you can consider reading are:

मेदिनी ज्योतिष: A Text Book on Mundane Astrology” by Krishn Kumar

ज्योतिषतत्त्वांक: The Most Exhaustive Collection of Articles on Astrology” published by Gita Press Gorakhpur

भारतीय ज्योतिष: Indian Astrology” by Nemichandra Shastri.


Q3. What are the best books to learn Vedic astrology from?


India is especially known for its rich treasure of Vedic knowledge (the transcendental science of God) and this is the reason why people from across the globe visit it to gain spiritual understanding. Vedic astrology is one of the most mysterious subject matter which is a part of the Vedic scripture. Some books to learn it are available at Exotic India such as

भारतीय ज्योतिष: Indian Astrology” by Sivanath Jharakhandi

भारतीय ज्यौतिष विज्ञान: Science of Indian Astrology” by Dr. Surakant Jha

वैदिक ज्योतिष (एक रहस्योद्घाटन): Vedic Astrology Demystified” by Chandrashekhar Sharma.


Q4. What are some basic to advanced books for Jyotish or astrology?


If you are a beginner in the science of Astrology, you must read books such as

वैदिक ज्योतिष के मौलिक तत्त्व: Basic Concepts of Vedic Astrology (In Two Volumes)” by Dr. K.S ‘Charak’

ज्योतिषतत्त्वांक: The Most Exhaustive Collection of Articles on Astrology” by Gita Press Gorakhpur.

In case you want to study advanced astrology, go for these books: 

ग्रह गोचर: Grahagochar” by Pt. Radhakrishna Shrimali,

पूर्वजन्म और ज्योतिष: Previous Birth and Astrology” by Acharya Vivekshri Kaushik ‘Vishwamitra’

वैदिक नक्षत्र ज्योतिष- Vedic Celestial Astrology” by Suresh Chandra Mishra.


Q5. How can we learn astrology in Hindi from beginners?


At Exotic India, you can find many Hindi books on Astrology. If you are beginning to study the great science of Astrology, you may check out these books:

ज्योतिष विज्ञान: Science of Astrology” by Osho

वैदिक नक्षत्र ज्योतिष- Vedic Celestial Astrology” by Suresh Chandra Mishra

भारतीय ज्यौतिष विज्ञान: Science of Indian Astrology” by Dr. Surakant Jha

रोग ज्योतिष उपचार सहित - Medical Astrology” by Acharya Vivekashri Kaushik ‘Vishwamitra’. These books will help you to understand the basic concepts of Vedic or Indian astrology.