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Discover the Divine Feminine : Hindi Books on Hindu Goddesses


Q1. What are the best books about Hindu mythology?


Hinduism is also known as Sanatana Dharma. It goes beyond religiosity and faith but talks about the constitutional position of all living entities and their relationship with the Supreme. It is a science and answers all the questions that one may be inquisitive to know about. The knowledge of Hindu mythology is given in the Vedas or the Vedic scriptures. The best books about this subject matter are

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता: यथारूप- Srimad Bhagavad Gita: As It Is (With Original Sanskrit Text, Meaning, Translation and Detailed Meaning)” by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

क्यों (हमारी हिन्दू मान्यताऐं और उनके पौराणिक आधार) - Why (Our Hindu Recognitions and Their Mythological Basis)” by Shashi Mohan Behal.

Q2. What are all the best Hindu mythology books?


The philosophy of Hinduism is the oldest and is considered to be eternal which means that it has no beginning and no end. Thus, it is also known as Sanatana Dharma. There are many Sampradayas or authentic systems of knowledge of the Absolute Truth in Hinduism. Therefore, in order to understand philosophy properly, it is essential to read authentic books. Some of the relevant books are

वेद विज्ञान चिन्तन: Science of The Vedas” by Prof. Vraj Bihari Choube

हिन्दू षड्दर्शन: Six Systems of Hindu Philosophy” by Swami Pratyagatmanand Saraswati.


Q3. What are some books about the Hindu gods and goddesses?


According to the Vedic scriptures, there are 33 types of demigods (Devi-Devata) who are empowered by the Supreme authority, Vishnu or Krishna, to take charge of the different administrative departments in the material world. There are many authentic books written by various saints and Acharyas that explain the position of the demigods and the Supreme Lord. You may check out

श्री गीतगोविन्दम (संस्कृत एवम् हिन्दी अनुवाद) - Shri Gita Govinda with Detailed Commentary in Hindi'' by Shril Jaydev Goswami

प्रमुख देवता: The Principal God of Hinduism (Picture Book)” published by Gita Press

प्रमुख देवियाँ: The Principal Hindu Goddesses (Picture Book)” by Gita Press.