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Q1. What are some best books about Buddha or his teachings?


The teachings of Lord Buddha are famous all over the world and are followed not only by the Buddhist community but also by people of different religions. If you want to inquire more about the life and teachings of Buddha, you may prefer to buy these books from Exotic India:

बुद्धचर्य्या: Buddhacharya- Life and Teachings of the Buddha” by Rahul Sankirtyayan (Best Seller)

बुद्ध और उनका धम्म: Buddha and His Dharma” by Dr. Ambedkar

उपासकों को बुद्ध उपदेश- Buddha Teachings to Worshipers” by Mamraj Singh

गौतम बुद्ध: Gautama Buddha” by Adish Kumar.


Q2. Which book should I start with if I want to study Buddhism?


If you are new on the path of Buddhism and want to know how to practice it in your day-to-day life, the book “बुद्ध धर्म के उपदशे- Teachings of Buddhism” by Dharmarakshit would be the ultimate guide for you.

This book talks about the principal teachings of Lord Buddha to His disciples. It also elaborately explains the subtle qualities that attract the grace of the Lord and how to develop them. By reading this book, you will be able to self-introspect and change your life for good, according to the teachings of the Buddha.


Q3. What is the most authentic book on Buddha's teachings?


There is no end to books on the teachings of the Buddha that have proved to be a boon to human society. But if one book had to be chosen out of all, it would be “बुद्धचर्य्या: Buddhacharya- Life and Teachings of the Buddha” by Rahul Sankrityayan. In this book, the author has mentioned how Lord Buddha spent his life and enlightened his disciples with spiritual knowledge. His teachings are also discussed in detail. This book is a best seller at Exotic India.


Q4. What are the best books for a beginner Buddhist?


Some books that you can consider buying from Exotic India if you are a beginner on the path of Buddhism are

उपासकों को बुद्ध उपदेश- Buddha Teachings to Worshipers” by Mamraj Singh

गौतम बुद्ध और उनके उपदेश: Gautam Buddha and His Teachings” by Anand Shrikrishna

भगवान बुद्ध की वाणी- Teachings of Lord Buddha (An Old Book)” by Anjali Agarwal

बोध कथाएँ: Stories Which Teach” by Ashok Kaushik. These books will not only help you to know about Lord Buddha but will also inspire you to imbibe the qualities that he taught his disciples.