About the Author
Born in 1940 in Distt Sonipat Haryana, Graduated in science from Punjab University and then specialized in Sugar Technology from National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, a Central Govt. Institute for training, research and advisory services to the Sugar mills and the Distilleries in the country, Started services from that very institute and then served in Co-operative Sector, State Govt. Corporation, as well as in Private Sector’s Sugar Mills. Has served as Chief Technologist (production) and also as General Manager for more than two decades in State Sugar Corporation as well as in reputed private concerns and has got erected and commissioned modern sugar mills.
While serving in U.P. came in contact with some other officers, having a good knowledge of Astrology and discussions with them attracted him to this subject i.e. Astrology, which he started learning around 1987, as a hobby. Dozens of his articles and comments on the articles given by others in papers and magazines, have since been published in “Astrological Magazine”
When the whole country was anxiously waiting for Smt Sonia Gandhi to take oath as Prime Minister of the Country, his observations published in Astrological Magazine of Oct 2003 page 874 did not support it.
He is not in favour of following blindly whatever is given in books, or is being excercised in the name of astrology as is reflected from his articles on some such issues as Kal-sarap Yoga, Mangli-dosha published in popular magazines.
India, the country of Ancient Culture which has the proud privilege of producing ‘Vedas’ the unmatched ocean of knowledge, has another reason to be proud of and it is being the country of origin of Astrology, the science of studying the influence of heavenly bodies of the Solar system, not only on human beings, but on every thing human begins are directly or indirectly connected with. It was from here that this knowledge spread to the rest of world. Even in countries now bring recognized as “Scientifically Advanced” ones, Astrology has carved its niche in the heart of its people and its popularity is on the increase. Though these countries have developed their own methods of interpreting the planetary influence, yet the very basics i.e. Zodiac divided in 12 sectors, known as sings or Rasis, the 7 planets being recognized since ages, namely Sun, Mon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, being recognized since ages, namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, their motions and time taken in completing one orbit – found the Sun are the same. In Indian system, two shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu are also taken in consideration, where as in Western countries, recently discovered planets viz, Uranus Neptune and Pluto have been included in astrological calculations and predictions.
During my two visits to U.S.A., I came in contact with several persons from America as well as from China besides, several dozens families of Indians working there and observed during astrological-consultation exercises that majority of queries centered around marriage, married life and children. This inspired me to compile or rather classify or catagorise the valuable knowledge lying spread in various books published or written at different times in different countries and make it available to those who are interested in ancient knowledge or “GYAN” I have tried to put the matter in simplest way and trust it will serve a good purpose.
The renowned scientist ‘Newton’ is quoted to have said “Science is like a vast ocean and I am like a little boy playing on its shore and collecting prettiest shells and smoothest pebbles lay all undiscovered before me.” The same holds true for Astrology also. We have achieved a lot in medical science, yet much more remains to be done before the word “Perfect” can be used. Similarly in Astrology also, I feel, what has been known, so far is, only a part of the complete picture.
I do not claim myself to have evolved any new technique of having developed new principles either, all that I have tried to do is to classify the material related to only marriage, married life and children, from several popular books published in this country as well as those in others and make it available to the readers with the hope that the astrology guidance will help them in planning their domestic life.
I express my deep regards to all those knowledgeable persons, who have taken the pain of salvaging this ancient knowledge from the personal possession of a few families, who secretly guarded and preserved the ancient texts or manuscripts as their personal property. A break through came with Sh. B. Suryanarain Rao’s translating of the hand written Sanskrit scriptures into English and publishing them in English, Hindi or other regional languages. Dr. B.V. Raman, the founder father of the leading “Astrological Magazine” has in true sense, resuscitated this subject to life and brought it within approach of common persons.
I owe my regards to one Sh. H. H. Mahapatra from Orissa, a qualified Engineer, who had a deep knowledge of this subject and who aroused my curiosity also and inspired me to study this subject and rather guided me also, while we were working together in a project in U.P.
Cheiro, the world famous astrologer/palmist, has mentioned in one of his books that the ancient hindus searched after nature’s laws and were masters in all such studies, but in transmitting their knowledge to the descendants, they so endeavored to hide the scripture from common people that in most cases the key to the problems got lost and the truth discovered by ancients became buried in the dust of superstition and charlatanism.
During my visit to U.S.A. in 2005, I was surprised to see more than two thousands references on Astrology in the University library. I came across an interesting book “Astrology, True and False”-by Mr. R.B. Culvar. The survey report published in this book was e-mailed by me to the “Astrological Magazine published in March 2006 issue and the same is being reproduced here from the interested readers.
The Gallop poll for October 1975 placed 32 million Americans in the category of those who believe that stars influence people’s lives. The same poll indicated that 77 percent of all Americans and 90 percent of those under the age of 30 years can identify the astrological Sun-sign of their birth. Another survey of Colorado University students yielded similar results later on. By contrast, the same poll indicated that less than 60% students knew their blood type and less than half, their normal blood pressure. Another Tabulation around 1988 revealed that there are about 10000 practicing astrologers in United States, with about 1000 full time professionals. 20 astrological journals and about one thousand newspapers carried astrological forecasts. Three national organizations and 150 local associations were reported working. It was further estimated that five million Americans spent 200 million dollars each year on consulting astrologers. By contrast though there are several thousand members of the Astronomical Society but the total spending is estimated around 100 million dollars. If the Space Programme is excluded.
The report adds that there is no aspect of life for which astrological advice is not available. Cruising through internet I chanced to locate another report related to surveys conducted in 1997-2000, according to which 31% Americans believe in astrology, women taking the lead as against 25% men. Again increasing interest amongst youth is reflected as 43% of them believing as against only 17% of those in the age group of 64 and above.
I have several books written by Astrologers in U.S.A., England, Australia, China amply proving that astrology is popular in all the countries world over. But one thing worth mentioning here is that in U.S.A. as I have been told, astrologers are liable to be punished or penalized if the prediction they charged for, goes wrong and the person, who has consulted and paid the fee, moves a complaint against the practicing astrologer.
However one major difference in the two systems is that whereas Indian astrologers take very little notice of personality traits and are more concerned with the state of one’s Karmas and the fortune/misfortune that one can expect, the western system is more concerned with personal traits and relations.
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