Many of us limit the meaning of Yoga to Asanas and Pranayama. But, those are only to maintain physical health. Yoga Sutras are science of human life. Most of the people are living with worries, fears, sorrows, desires and miseries. Yoga Sutras explain how to lead a satisfied life. Everyone should learn how to include yoga in our daily activities to make life meaningful, contented and full of happiness. The science of yoga is beyond any caste, creed or religion. The purpose of yoga is to lead a happy life and to make others happy. Mankind can get rid of all diseases, miseries and lead a peaceful life irrespective of age and occupation. Yoga Sutras help students, employees, professionals, businessmen and aged persons. Yoga Sutras are definite solution for all problems.
Vedas and Upanishads are the oldest scriptures of India which are not only treated as the sacred ones but also rich in the knowledge. They are still relevant and useful to the mankind even at the present age. Bhagavad-Gita and Patanjali science of yoga are the essence of those sacred scriptures. In Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Sri Krishna explained the science of yoga, science of jnana and the theory of karma. Whereas, the great sage Patanjali explained the principles of the yoga science in a practical way to follow, practice and achieve in one's life.
The principles of yoga are applicable to everyone irrespective of the caste, creed, nationality and the time. Another important feature of yoga principles is, they are easily understandable. My own experience is, if the principles are rightly understood and regularly practiced, one can lead a happy and comfortable life. I read some time ago and it made such an impact on me that it just became an integral part of my life. The same way the other book I adore is Bhagavad-Gita. The accumulation of the knowledge from these books will be more by reading number of times.
The general impression of yoga is different types of physical body postures called 'Asanas' and different types of breathing exercises called 'Pranayama'. In fact, Yoga is not meant only for the physical fitness, but also to throw light on the total path to lead a happy and fulfilled life.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras are explained with reference to some of the Slokas from Bhagavad-Gita in this book as the inner meaning of those two are not different from one other.
The essence of all religious teachings is the same whether you call the Creator as Eshwar, God, Allah or Prabhu. The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj' means 'to join'. The science of yoga makes one to know the Creator. The Truth never changes. Changes occur only in the social systems, beliefs and customs followed in the religions and castes. Unfortunately, most of us are only making efforts to understand and follow the customs and traditions but never make efforts to understand The Truth.
As the practice of Yoga is a continuous lifelong process without an end, it should become a way of life. I too am an aspirant and regular practitioner of yoga like many. It is not my intention to say that I am an authority on the subject of Yoga. Only some great souls achieved mastery on it. We all as aspirants are going together in pursuit of the goal.
The main purpose of writing this book is only to share my under- standing with others. I narrated Samadhipada and Sadhanapada, the first two chapters of principles of Patanjali Yoga Sutras according to my personal experience. The remaining two chapters Vibhutipada and Kaivalyapada are narrated according to my perception. The aspirants may please verify with practical expe- rience. I hope that my endeavour will be endorsed by all of you. The principles should be studied again and again in order to get the deep knowledge.
Out of the four Padas, Samadhipada and Sadhanapada should be understood well and should be made a regular practice.
I pray Lord Shiva and Parvati to bless my wife who has encouraged and supported me while writing this book.
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