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Yoga (The Science of Holistic Living)

Publisher: Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust
Edition: 2005
ISBN: 818924809X
Pages: 298 (36 B/W Illustrations)
Cover: Paperback
9.6" X 7.2"
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Book Description
Publishers' Note
It is a matter for gratification that all copies of the VIVEKANANDA KENDRA PATRIKA (Volume 17, No.2, August 1988) on the theme YOGA – THE SCIENCE OF HOLISTIC LIVING have been sold out, as was the case with several earlier issue of the journal. We are grateful to the public for their patronage.

In order to meet the insistent demand for more copies, we have reprinted the issue as separate volume. We hope that readers as well as institutions like libraries, colleges, schools, atc., will be benefited by the publication.

What Yoga Is?
Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari
YOGA like the other typically Indian word 'dharma' is a very comprehensive term, the meaning, amplitude and purpose of which are directly proportional to the general level of understanding. Comprehension and need of the individual approaching it.

YOGA for a good many people being with the poses and postures at the body level, thanks to which health and beauty of the body and its vitality can be enhanced and preserved. That forms only the least part of yoga.

YOGA when rightly understood is the process of reuniting our finite microcosmic individual self with the Infinite, Absolute, Pure, Macrocosmic Consciousness, upgrading man into Man, Superman, Godman and ultimately to Godhood. In between the two lies the immense range of possibilities covering all aspects of man's aspirations and efforts to elevate himself into something nobler and more wholesome.

YOGA is that extraordinary, exemplary uniquely Indian technique, helping man to develop a deep awareness of himself – of everyvibration and pulsation within – at the body, mind and intellect levels, by virtue of which he can master the forces internal and external.

YOGA helps man to synchronise his diverse life currents, making them united, uniform, unidirectional and ultimately one with the Universal.

YOGA is the tuning up of the chords of one's being so that it chimes in harmony with the music of the cosmos.

YOGA thus working at the subtler levels of the human personality, helps man to get rid of the distorted and distorted and discordant notes in his being, enabling one to fit oneself harmoniously into the all-pervading, omniscient, omnipotent, eternal, cosmic Truth.

When thus understood properly.

YOGA can help man to transform his life into what it should be – an Experiment with Truth.

* * * *
YOGA links up man with the laws operating at the cosmic level, draws him away from and release from sorrows and misery. No wonder that Swami Vivekananda refers to RAJA YOGA as the Science of Religion, the rationale of all worship, all prayers, forms. Ceremonies and miracles.

YOGA can help man to develop a remarkable comprehensiveness in his understanding as nothings else can, thus tearing the veil of separateness and fragmentation from our intellectual comprehension. Therefore,

YOGA can lead us to true freedom, liberating the human mind from the thralldom of finite matter, from all sense of isolation as well as from the illusion of tome, space and causation.

YOGA alone can provide that vision of Reality by which man perceives Truth in its entirety – the subtle but sure interconnectedness, interrelatedness and interdependence that are characteristic of Truth and its manifestation in this Universe.

YOGA in modern can rightly be designated as the technique of holistic living – man understanding himself to be, not a part, but the whole of Truth, Existence, Knowledge and Bliss.

YOGA thus is synonymous with true living, living in its entirety.

YOGA alone can provide us the vehicle to journey into the realms unknown, which lie deeply hidden within man and truly,

YOGA holds the key for self-unfoldment and self-improvement.

YOGA can helps us achieve a rare objectivity – subject and object get merged in a Yogi and as a result,

YOGA can eradicate from our mind the feeling of 'otherness' which is a the root cause of ignorance, attachment and untold misery.

* * * *
YOGA bestows inner strength, sharpens our intellect, teaches us to control our emotions and brings a rare concentration and efficiency into our actions and work, making one do the right thing in the right way at the right time and that is why,

YOGA is often described as 'skill' in action'.

* * * *
YOGA nourishes our deep spiritual roots and then reaches out its nourishment and health to all the layers of one's being.

YOGA practice can increase our lung capacity and respiration, improve our ability to resist stress, reduce body weight and girth, decrease cholesterol and blood sugar level and thus stabilize, restore and vitalize the body's natural systems.

YOGA is therefore the best curative and preventive medicine for all the ills of man resulting from the so-called modern living.

* * * *
One question remains to be answered.

Is there anything that Yoga cannot do? YES

Like Truth, when properly understood and adopted

in our lives it can never do any harm to anyone.

* * * *
As a musician can recognise the few basic musical notes in all the cacophony of sound around him, as an artist can, with a few strokes of his brush capture the entire range of expressions so also can a Yogi, in a much more extensive and intenser sense, capture and understand all the expressions and notes in the creation in that One vibration in the Lotus of his heart. Time, space, causation and death cease for a Yogi who has touched this Eternal Truth within him. The whole creation stands unified in him and he in Universe. This is the ultimate in Yoga the Yoga of Infinitude which transforms a Yogi into the Yogeswara – an epithet so aptly applied to and justified in the life of SRI KRISHNA.

* * * *
From finite to Infinite is the journey of everything in this Universe. Yoga can speed up this journey by giving a spiritual content and dimension to all human efforts. Every institution working in the field of human upliftment – religious or secular – should understand the newly emerging – but for us, as old as our spiritual heritage – vision of Reality and adjust and adopt measures to ensure this new dimension in their growth. Scientific, experimental verification, application in day to day life, etc. must strengthen the hands of Yoga practitioners so that they can take up the challenges posed by the modern age. This is Vivekananda Kendra's approach.

In the pages that follow, modern students and master of Yoga share with their thoughts and experiences so that we shall make of this wonderful life of ours a great pilgrimage, into something sublime as expressed by Swami Vivekananda.

* * * *
"Each soul is potentially divine. The goal

is to manifest this Divinity within by

controlling nature, external and internal.

Do this either by work, or worship or

psychic control, or philosophy – by one

or more or all of these and be free. This

in the whole of religion."

* * * *

What Yoga is?Dr. M. Lakshmi KumariIV
Section1: Basis of Yoga
Happiness Analysis Conclusions of Upanishads
1.1Basis of Yoga – BlissDr. H.R. Nagendra1
1.2Upanishads – The Foundations of YogaProf. A. Satyanarayana Sastry9
Section 2 : Concepts And Streams of Yoga
Yoga as a Tool for Growth Definitions, Theory, Benefits Advanced
2.1Yoga's Basis in the Human ConditionWilliam J. Jackson22
2.2Yoga for the Incoming MillenniumProf. T.R. Anantharaman27
2.3Yoga – Science and EvolutionDr. V.S.S.M. Rao35
2.4Yoga and Holistic LivingChamarty Paradesi Rao39
2.5Jnana Yoga – the Path of Knowledge - 44
2.6Culturing the Emotions – The Bhakti PathN.V. Raghuram Rao51
2.7The Philosophy of Yoga Patanjali – An Overall ViewR. Ravi Shankar55
2.8The Secret of Action – Karma YogaSubhadra Devi61
2.9Vivekananda Kendra and Karma YogaN. Krishnamoorti69
2.10Light on Hatha YogaB.K.S. Vinegar73
2.11Advanced Yogasanas - 82
2.12Tarntra and ConsciousnessProf. S.K. Ramachandra Rao88
2.13Kundalini Yoga - 93
2.14The Paasupata Yoga as described in the LingapuranaDr. N. Gangadharan98
Section 3 : Applications of Yoga
Yoga and Stree

Yoga in the Development of Physical, Mental, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual Aspects.

Yoga for Harnessing the Innate Power.

New Challenges to Health – Yoga the Remedy Promotion of Positive Health – Spiritual Growth Changing Values in Modern Societies.

Move Towards Holism – The Fourfold Approach of Yoga.

Yoga Theory – Results/Courses.

3.1Stress – The Basic Challenge and Holistic Solution-101
3.2Yoga for the Common Man-113
3.3Integral YogaT. Mahan122
3.4Yoga and EducationA. Sriram127
3.5Yoga and Physical EducationDr. M.L. Gharote131
3.6Yoga for Specialists-138
3.7Natya Yoga – A New Approach to Holistic TherapyDr. Jayanti Patel145
3.8Yoga Therapy – An Integrated ApproachDr. H.R. Nagendra & Dr. R. Nagendra150
3.9Yoga and Women's Problem'sDr. Kamakshi Kabir & Rahila Jaipal156
3.10Yoga and PsychiatryDr. Uma Krishnamurthy160
3.11Yoga Therapy and Naturopathy Common Bases-165
3.12Yoga and Diet-168
3.13Yoga and AcupressureDr. S.S. Kulkarni173
3.14Yoga, Spiritual Growth and Parapsychology-177
3.15Yoga, Mind and the BrainDr. B. Ramamurthi181
3.16Yoga and Altered States of ConsciousnessProf. T. Desiraju188
3.17Yoga to the Rescue of Modern SocietiesH.V. seshadri195
3.18Yoga – Gandhian ApproachProf. K.N. Vaswani201
3.19Yoga and EcologyG. Vasudeo206
Section 4 : Yoga Research
Need for Research

Methods of Research

Spectrum of Yoga Research

Yoga Therapy Reports, Statistics, etc.

4.1Yoga and Research-209
4.2Yoga Therapy in Stree-Related AilmentsDr. R. Nagarathna212
4.3The Role of Yoga in Rehabilitation of the HandicappedDr. L. Geeta221
4.4Stress Disorders and YogaDr. K.N. Udupa231
4.5Yoga Therapy Research – A Short ReviewDr. Horia Crisan236
4.6Science of Yoga and its Role in TherapyDr. Sarada Subrahmanyam241
4.7Scientific Research in Yoga at LonavlaDr. M.V. Bhole248
4.8Yoga Biomedical TrustDr. Robin Monro251
4.9Bihar School of Yoga – A Bird's Eye-viewSwami Muktananda Saraswati 254
4.10Transcendental Meditation- A Move on the Decline-257
Section 5 : Yoga Organisations
Yoga Institutions

Spiritual Movements


5.1Ramakrishna Movement and Yoga in the WestDr. M. Sivaramakrishna263
5.2V.K. Yogas : In the Cause of an Ancient Indian Science Yoga-269
5.3Various Yoga Institutions in India-275
Section 6 : Bibliography
What each library on Yoga should possess
6.1A Bibliography on Yoga-278

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