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Yoga Exercise for Health and Happiness

Author: Swami Jyotirmayananda
Language: English
Edition: 2002
ISBN: 8185883408
Pages: 271 (Illustrated Throught in B & W)
Cover: Hardcover
8.7" X 5.5"
390 gm
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Book Description


Hatha Yoga is the world's most ancient system of physical and mental development practiced by great Yogis of India for centuries. This unique book gives a wide variety of psycho-physical exercises (Asanas), breathing exercises. Relaxation exercises, concentration techniques and eye-exercises. The idea that more energy, effort and movement give better results in physical culture has been proven erroneous by the Yoga science. In fact the very opposite is true. Blended with poise, relaxation and concentration the Yoga Exercises demonstrate that the less motion and energy you give to these poses of Yoga. The greater and more enduring are their dynamic results.

The Author and sage Swami Jyotir Nanda, already Internationally known for his great profound lectures. And classical Yoga books on wisdom, mental integration and meditation. Reveals with his majestic pen conclusively the importance of Hatha Yoga for radiant health, abundant happiness and inner peace of mind. Recommending these stimulating and relaxing exhibits the poses with a spontaneous naturalness combined with gracefulness and beauty, His vitality, flexibility and elasticity are infections. Readers will be encouraged and drawn to practice just by the radiance of this sagacious sage Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda.

A rare and compact volume to supply you with every thing you need, these exercises have been taught by sage Swami Jyotir Maya nanda over a period of many years as Director of the 'International Yoga Society." He has trained thousands of students and teachers all over the world in the system. Therefore, without a doubt it is the most efficacious method. Of many Hatha Yoga books, none has given the insight, depth and authenticity as given within this rare book. It demonstrates a refreshing and rejuvenating way to become attuned to the cosmic modulations of Pranic energy which is the basis of the entire creation.

Follow the plan of practice given here and you will receive great benefits of harmony in body and mind by regular and diligent effort. Your general well being, mental alertness and inner relaxation will come gradually, increasing supple muscles, firm skin and a beautiful healthy appearance. Your progress will go on and on as you respond to these psycho-physical exercises. There are over 200 illustrations in this unusual book.

Our Revered and Adorable, Guru Swami Jyotir-Maya Nanda reveals many secrets and mysteries of Hatha Yoga. Anyone can absolutely accomplish a new vitality be dispensing with stiffness and tensensess from the body and mind. We heartily recommend this book "Yoga Exercises for Health and Happiness." For all who desire health, happiness, prosperity, mental strength and spiritual advancement. The distinguished and illustrious author has given an understandable and step by step method of all Hatha Yoga practices. If you practice these exercises regularly you will build a bridge across sorrow discontent and uncertainty and walk on the path of bright sunshine with the coo breeze of Joy in your heart.

We thank Dr. Bernard Deleze a disciple of Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda, who is a medical expert, for contributing the articles in section thirteen: "Principles of physiology, Hatha Yoga and modern Physiology, Local Effect of Asanas, Effects of Pranayamas. And illustrations pertaining to Blood Circulation and Chakras.

In addition. Our sincere thanks to the Karma Yoga Staff who have given us valuable assistance in the completion of this wonderful book.

As you continue to practice you will feel more and more the invisible presence of this great Sage Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda who is filled with the Divine consciousness and Love for all beings in the world.

It is our sincerest and devout prayer that the blessings of Sage Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda may guide you each day on the road to perfection and happiness.

About This Book and Author

This unique book gives a wide variety of psycho-physical exercises (Asanas), breathing exercises relaxation exercises, concentration techniques and eye-exercises.

The Author and sage Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda, already Internationally known for his great profound lectures and classical Yoga books reveals with his majestic pen conclusively the importance of Hatha Yoga for radiant health, abundant happiness and inner peace of mind.

We heartily recommend this book "Yoga Exercises for Health and Happiness." For all who desire health, happiness, prosperity, mental strength and spiritual advancement. Follow the plan of practice give here and you will receive great benefits of harmony in body and mind by regular and diligent effort. Your general well being, mental alertness and inner relaxation will come gradually, increasing supple muscles, firm skin and a beautiful healthy appearance. If you practice these exercises regularly you will build a bridge across sorrow, discontent and uncertainty and walk on the path of bright sunshine with the cool breeze of Joy in your heart.

Publisher's Note

Yoga is a mystic science that prepares and integrates one's personality for the highest achievement of Self realization. Hatha Yoga is vital for keeping body fit for the higher attainments both on spiritual and material planes.

This book primarily is a Hath Yoga book but also includes chapters on meditation, japa. Kundalini Yoga as well as Yoga of wisdom. It was first published in USA and soon became very popular in other countries.

Increasing demand of this unique book compelled us to publish it in India. Besides Asanas and Pranayama this book also contains articles on human physiology as well as therapeutic effect of Hatha Yoga Exercises. Prescription has been made for various common ailments for guidance of the readers.

Separate charts of practice for different groups given in this book makes it more useful than others on the subject. This book works as a guide. One can practice Hatha Yoga techniques without any guru with help of this book.




Page Title
1 Invocation
2 Siddha Asana (Pose)
3 What is Hatha Yoga?
6 Outlines of Hatha Yoga
8 Instructions of the practice of Hatha Yoga
10 Therapeutic Value of Yoga Exercises
Surya Namaskar or Adorations to the Sun
15 Surya Namaskar
18 Surya Namaskar (Pose-1)
19 Surya Namaskar (Pose-2)
20 Surya Namaskar (Pose-3)
21 Surya Namaskar (Pose-4)
22 Surya Namaskar (Pose-5)
23 Surya Namaskar (Pose-6)
24 Surya Namaskar (Pose-7)
25 Surya Namaskar (Pose-8)
26 Surya Namaskar (Pose-9)
27 Surya Namaskar (Pose-10)
28 Surya Namaskar (Pose-11)
29 Surya Namaskar (Pose-12)
Mukhya Yoga Asanas or
Important Yoga Poses
32 Anjaneya Asana (Pose)
33 Setubandha Asana (Pose)
34 Sarvanga Asana
35 Sarvanga Asana (Pose)
36 Hala
37 Hala Asana (Pose)
38 Purvottan Asana
39 Purvottan Asana (Pose)
40 Matsya Asana (Pose)
41 Tolangula Asana (Pose)
42 Vajra Asana (Pose)
43 Supta Vajra Asana (Pose)
44 Pashchimottan Asana
45 Pashchimottan Asana (Pose)
46 Chakra Asana (Pose)
48 Bhujanga Asana (Pose)
49 Bhujanga Asana (Pose)
50 Shalabha Asana (Pose)
51 Dhanura Asana
52 Dhanura Asana (Pose)
53 Trikona Asana (Pose)
54 Mayur Asana
55 Mayur Asana (Pose)
56 Shirsha Asana
58-61 Shirsha Asana (Pose)
62 Vriksha Asana (Pose)
63 Ardha Matsyndra Asana
64 Ardha Matsyendra Asana (Pose)
Shava Asana or Relaxation Exercises
66 Shava Asana (Pose)
67 The Art of Relaxation
68 Relaxation of the Mind
71 Relaxation of the Heart
73 Exercises in Relaxation
Bandhas or Yogic Locks
78 Bandha Traya (Pose)
79 BANDHAS (Locks)
80 Mula Bandha
81 Uddiyan Bandha
82 Jalandhar Bandha
83 Bandha Traya
84 Maha Bandha Pose
Mudras of Yogic Seals
86 Shanmukuhi Mudra (Pose)
88 Maha Mudra
89 Maha Vedha
89 Yoga Mudra
90 Yoga Mudra (Pose)
91 Viparita Karani Mudra
92 Viparita Karani Mudra (Pose)
93 Yoni Mudra or Shanmukhi Mudra
94 Unmani Mudra
94 Shambhavi Mudra
95 Kaki Mudra
95 Ashwini Mudra
96 Matangini Mudra
96 Khechari Mudra
96 Shakti Chalini Mudra
97 Tadana Kriya
97 Tadana Kriya (Pose)
98 Vajroli Mudra
99 Major Siddhis
100 Minor siddhis
Pranayama or Breathing Exercises
102 Sukha Purvak Pranayama
108 Sukha purvak Pranayama (pose)
109 Sukh purvak Pranayama
110 Kapala Bhati
111 Bhastrika Pranayama
112 Sheetali Pranayama (Pose)
113 Shitali Pranayama
113 Shitakari Pranayama
114 Sury Bheda Pranayama
114 Ujjayi Pranayama
115 Bharamari Pranayama
116 Om Panayama
116 Kundalini Pranayama-1
117 Kundalini Pranayama-2
118 Pranayama for Relaxation
119 Nadi Shodhanan Pranayama
Dhyama Asana or Meditative Poses
122 Meditation (Pose)
123 Mantras Before Practice of Meditation
123 Dhyana Yoga
126 What is Meditation?
127 Dhyanam Nirvishayam Manah
128 General Guidance in Meditation
130 Different Exercises
  In the practice of Meditation
131 The Marks of Success
133 Padma Asana (Pose)
134 jnana Mudra
135 Brahmanjali
136 Siddha Asana (Pose)
137 Swastikasana (Pose)
138 Sukha Asana (Pose)
139 Gomukha Asana (Pose)
140 Vira Asana (Pose)
Vividha Asana or Variations of Poses
142 Vriksha Asana (Pose)
143 Ulluka Asana (Pose)
144 Chataka Asana (Pose)
145 Purna Supta Vajra Asana (Pose)
146 Pavan Mukta Asana (Pose)
146 Chakra Asana (Pose)
147 Lola Asana (Pose)
147 Koka Asana (Pose)
148 Pada Angushtha Asana (Pose)
149 Prishtha Vyayam Asna (Pose)
150 Kati Vyayam Asna (Pose)
152 Pavan Mukta Asna (Pose)
153 Kati Tadan Asna (Pose)
154 Griva Chakra Asna (Pose)
155 Ekapada Vira Asana
156 Nata Raja Asna (Pose)
157 Ekapada Akarshana Asna (Pose)
158 Urdhwa Uttan Asna (Pose)
159 Meru Banda Vakra Asna (Pose)
159 Janu Asna (Pose)
160 Utthita Janu Shira Asana (Pose)
161 Chandra Namaska (Pose-1)
161 Chandra Namaska (Pose-2)
162 Chandra Namaska (Pose-3)
162 Chandra Namaska (Pose-4)
163 Chandra Namaska (Pose-5)
164 Chandra Namaska (Pose-6)
165 Chandra Namaska (Pose-7)
165 Chandra Namaska (Pose-8)
166 Chandra Namaska (Pose-9)
167 Chandra Namaska (Pose-10)
167 Chandra Namaska (Pose-11)
168 Chandra Namaska (Pose-12)
169 Urdhwa Utthan Asna (Pose)
170 Garuda Asna (Pose)
172 Pada Santulan Asna (Pose)
173 Merudanda Vakra Asna (Pose)
173 Astavakra Asna (Pose)
174 Kati Chakra Asna (Pose)
175 Baithak Asna (Pose)
176 utthan Baithak Asna (Pose)
Kriya Yo Na or Purificatory Exercise
178 Shat Karmas
  or six Purificatory Exercises
180 Tratak
180 leti Kriya
181 Dhauti
181 Bahnisar Bhauti (Pose)
182 Basti
183 Nauli Kriya
184 Madhyama Nauli (Pose)
186 Nauli Kriya (Pose)
Netra Vyayam or Eye Exercises
188 Tratak
Abhyas Krama or Order of Practice
196 Table 1 (Beginners)
197 Table 2 (Intermediates)
198 Table 3 (Weak and Aged)
199 Table 4 (Busy People)
200 Table 5 (Advanced)
Japa Yoga or Yoga of Repetition of Mystic Formulas
203 Theory of Mantra
204 Root Letters
204 Prayer for Universal Welfare
205 Practice of Japa
206 Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
207 Invocatory Kirtans
Vyadhinivarak Yoga or Therapeutic Values of Yoga Exercises
211 Principles of Physiology
215 Hatha Yoga and Modern Physiology
216 General Effects of Asanas
217 Local Effects of Asanas
220 Yoga Exercises for Health
  and prevention of Diseases
223 Effects of Pranayamas
Kundalini Yoga or Yoga of Mystic Energy
227 Chakras of Kundalini
228 Sushumna Nadi
237 Practice of Kundalini Yoga
237 Various Methods
Arogya Rahasya or Secrets of Health
245 Secrets of Health and Vitality
247 Health and Happiness
  through Hatha Yoga
251 Yama
252 Niyama
253 Asana
253 Pranayama
253 Pratyahar
254 Dharana
254 Dharana (Meditation)
254 Samadhi (Super-consciousness)
Vividha Asana or Variations of Poses
257 Khaga Asana (Pose)
257 Utthita Padma Asana (Pose)
  Ekahasta Prishtha
258 Vakra Asana (Pose)
258 Vakra Asana (Pose)
258 Utthita Padma Asana (Pose)
259 Vriksha Asana (Pose)
259 Vriksha Asana (Pose)
260 Dwihasta Utthita Asana (Pose)
260 Baka Asana (Pose)
261 Kurma Asana (Pose)
261 Kalyana Asana (Pose)
261 Pada Griva Asana (Pose)
262 Baddha Padma Asana (Pose)
262 Chakra Asana (Pose)
262 Baka Asana (Pose)
263 Baddha Padma Asana (Pose)
263 Janu Prishtha Badha
  Paschimottan Asana (Pose)
263 Pada Griva
  Paschimpttan Asana (Pose)
263 Ardha Baddha Padma
  Paschimottan Asana (Pose)
264 Sarvanga Baddha Asana (Pose)
264 Vrischika Asana (Pose)
265 Vrischika Asana (Pose)
265 Baddha Padma Asana (Pose)
265 Kona Asana (Pose)
266 Garuda Asana (Pose)
266 Family Demonstration
267 Urdha Eka Pad Asana (Pose)
268 Glossary
270 My Life (Poetry)
271 Spiritual letter
372 In Tune with Infinity (Poetry)
  Illustrations & Diagrama
14 Lord Vishnu
107 Table of Pranas
218 Local Effects of Asanas
219 Respiration and Circulation
224 Nerve Centers & Endocrine Glands
  of the Chakras
226 Chakras of Kundalini Yoga
230 Muladhara Chakra
231 Swadhisthan Chakra
232 Manipur Chakra
233 Anahata Chakra
234 Vishudhi Chakra
235 Ajna Chakra
236 Sahastrar Chakra


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