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Yog In Synergy with Medical Science

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Author: Acharya Balkrishna
Publisher: Divya Prakashan, Haridwar
Edition: 2007
ISBN: 8189235621
Pages: 260 (Illustrated Throughout In Full Color)
Cover: Paperback
10.5" X 7.6"
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Book Description

The veracity of modern medical science is base don controlled clinical trials. Seeking and establishing the same in an scientifically unknown area is indeed a challenging responsibility. The benefits of Yog or Pranayam constitute a fact that can be established only from personal experience and regular practice. To demonstrate this, we have experimented with Pranayam directly and indirectly first on thousands then on millions of people. These experiments have revealed some amazing facts. The participants in these individual and collective experiments were normally healthy people as well as patients of cancer, heart, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, asthma, thyroid and other serious diseases. All were searching for a healthy and disease-free life. It is an undisputed fact based on the results of these experiments that people got cured of diseases that are normally considered terminal. The evidence comes from before and after the practice of Pranayam. The results of medical examinations and direct health benefits derived by millions of people reveal facts about Yog that cannot be denied. This work would definitely point out a new direction to the research and practice in medical science. People tired of an frustrated with life will find in Yog a new basis for hope, faith and vigour in life.

Adopting a new system in life is very difficult. Indians had adopted Yog as a life-style since the beginning of civilization. The practice of Yog became less popular during middle ages but the present Yog revolution is like reviving the past, as millions of people are again practicing and getting its benefits. We want that Yog should become a philosophy of life for everyone and people with any disease should take to Yog for regaining health. The practitioners of Yog should be able to experience ultimate happiness and blissful state of samadhi; those feeling lost should find some direction. Those feeling dejected, insecure and, therefore suicidal, may get on the path of self-awareness. A self-aware person cannot take his/her own or somebody else's life. A Yogi is above crime, corruption and violence, and contributes to building a creative, positive, qualitative and productive society. A yogi is beyond terrorism, casteism, regionalism, communal divides and follows the path of nation building. Today, through Yog, the strong humanistic, nationalistic, spiritualistic forces and those standing for truth and righteousness in the world are coming together, paving the way for world peace and welfare. Yog is a blessing for those who because of financial constraints are unable to afford allopathic treatment not only in India but also abroad. Yog is a solution for incurable diseases and this truth shall be unraveled as you go through the pages of this book.

If we look at the figures included in the United Nations (UN) report for the year 2005-2006, we find that India spends around Rs. 4, 79, 520 crore rupees on various medical services annually and the World Bank report represents a bitter truth about the same. The truth is that only 35 percent of Indians are able to afford medical treatment and 65 percent (71 core population) are not able to afford the cost of medicines and treatment. If we assume that every Indian is able to take allopathic medicines then the total expenditure would be to the tune of Rs. 13,70,057 crore. Assuming that Indians stop using the traditional medical systems like Yog and Ayurved and follow the allopathic system like the USA, then every Indian would have to spend $5,277 per year for medical facilities. If we attempt to provide medical facilities at a similar level as in the USA in India then the total expenditure would be a whopping Rs. 7,52,67,514 crore, which would not be met even after using up the entire GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the country.

Every Indian has to bear 93 percent of the medical expenses and the government's contribution is a negligible seven percent. In this context, every person in the country and even the world needs a medical system that can provide good healthcare with no or very minimal cost and it cannot be anything except Yog. We are very confident that as we proceed at Patanjali University on the path of genetic research and controlled clinical trials for Ayurved and Yog with full determination, wisdom and scientific approach, we shall be able to demonstrate through scientifically gathered results that these two provide the needed medical system.

This book 'Yog In Synergy with Medical Science' is our first attempt. The process of scientific documentation and research would continue with the support of millions of fellow citizens. We will be able to establish Yog as a health building solution and philosophy of life through scientific research. We are also confident that we would be able to give a new definition, meaning and a new knowledge to the world in the realm of Yog and Ayurved. It will also start a new debate and discussion internationally and truth shall prevail at last. The dream of sage Charak Sadaaiv Yuktam Bheshjayam Yadarogyaya Kalpate will become a reality. The whole idea is to give priority to physical health involving minimum expenses and thus to take the society in the right direction. It will be able to provide simple, easy, effective and scientific treatment with the help of Yog to around 500 crore people who are unable to get medical facilities due to poor economic conditions. Revered Acharya Balkrishna has written this book with great devotion, hard work and dedication. This will prove to be a milestone in the history of Yog and a guide for the future generations. I am confident that this work will be able to remove the misconceptions and doubts presenting the mind of people due to ignorance and resistance to change, and shall unveil the truth. This will being a fresh revolution in the society and we will be able to bring Yog and Ayurved along with other Indian medical systems into the mainstream systems currently in use in the world. Whenever people think of this health revolution, they will certainly appreciate the noble efforts of revered Acharya Balkrishna.

I extend my heartfelt wishes to revered Acharya Balkrishna Ji, all the medical practitioners and dedicated individuals who have contributed in the preparation of this book.


Today, Yog has acquired global recognition and an exalted status as an ancient health-building system. While many medical practitioners and intellectuals are keen to test it using scientific evaluation methods, there are several others who are resisting this trend and inclusion of Yog in medical science. The welfare of patients is being overlooked for the sake of personal, commercial and business interests. Unfortunately, today medical science is taken mainly as allopathy, world's health Organization (WHO) is working like a representative organization for allopathy. We are not trying to question the ethos behind existing medical/health systems but we aim to start a healthy debated about health concerns internationally and secure right to health for the common man. We are aware that we have a mighty challenge to deal with. With this objective in mind, revered Yog Rishi Swami Ramdevji Maharaj has committed himself to the objective that, "no person should die of disease and nobody should die on account of being poor." We have decided to proceed in this direction so as to put a check on the large, scale exploitation going on in the country in the name of providing health services. In this age of Yog is powerful and contains the solutions for all the global problems. Form time immemorial, millions of people have immersed themselves in this pious ever, flowing Ganga of Yog. Never before has any government, voluntary organization or a resourceful individual has come forward to work on Yog from a scientific perspective. Although some holy saints, a few dedicated institutions, and small groups have made attempts in this direction, their work has not received international recognition. We ascetics decided to drive always the misconception that Yog is simply exercise for physical fitness, created by people out of ignorance, selfishness and resistance. In fact these people have their own agenda for not letting Yog, a glorious and time-tested tradition, to get its due recognition and rightful place on the world health map. Despite the lack of proper resources, we are committed to deal with such impediments. We have been able to take up this Herculean task for the sake of welfare of mankind with the unflinching support and trust of millions of people I this world.

Today, we have reached a stage where every intellectual of the world has greater appreciation for Yog as a complete medical science and philosophy of life and accepts its scientific reasoning and basis. Yog is not just a physical exercise but a holistic medical science; it is a philosophy of life, a basis. Yog is not just a physical exercise but a holistic medical science; it is a philosophy of life, a spiritual knowledge. It is a profound philosophical thought process, but it is also about having a simple, easy and balanced life-style. It is the path to gain eternal wisdom ultimate truth and to unite the inner soul with the supreme soul through self-realization. It is a tradition in which sages have attained immeasurable bliss, indescribable happiness and inexplicable peace by entering the supreme conciousness which is present beyond mind. It is the spiritual journey from ignorance to knowledge, mortality to immortality, obvious to hidden and peace to ultimate tranquility. It is the inner journey from thoughtfulness to emptiness, subjective to objective concentration, determinate to indeterminate samadhi and extrovertedness to introvertedness and being firm in judegment (gifted with unshakable mental equilibrium). It is a holistic and scientific process to transform body, mind and life. It is an experience of complete silence and calm based on self-realization, Tadeva arthamaatra nirbhasam Swaroopa soonyamiva Samaadhih It is devotion that transcends desire and a state of nothingness attained by self-realization, which is very different from emptiness caused by intoxication. It is an understanding of truth of life and rationality. There is a need to appreciate Yog, Ayurved and all Vedic traditions in totality. Life becomes a celebration once it imbibes Yog that leads to making of an equity-based, simple, developed, healthy and happy society. Yog brings forth the indisputable truth that the solution to any problem lies within and cannot be found outsides. Yog activities the healing strengths within our bodies. Aavaata vaabi bhesajam, vivaata vaahi yad roopah. Twam hi visthava bhesayo devaanaam doota iyase !! (Rigveda). The Vedic verse of yathaa Pinde tathaa brahmaande leads to the same conclusion that solutions lie within not outside. All the chemicals, salts, hormones, which we take in the form of medicines can actually be harmful instead of being beneficial until we surrender ourselves to Yog. When we start practicing Yog, one does not need external stimulants as the body itself secrets required hormones and balances the internal chemical processes. The anabolism, catabolism and metabolism processes in the body, i.e. vata, pitta and kapha are maintained in equilibrium. Mind becomes calm, bringing happiness and helps in overcoming depression one feels a sense of fulfillment in life and this is the glorious truth and essence of Yog.

We are committed to get Yog accepted internationally as a medical science. We are determined to achieve this goal through the Patanjali Yogpeeth and Patanjali University. At the same time we are committed to build a healthy and disease-free world in accordance with Indian ethos of Vasudhev Kutumbkam and Sarve Bhavantu sukhinah and thus contributing to the cause of promoting and conserving rich Indian cultural and spritual traditions. This book is an humble attempt in this direction. We are determined to obtain more scientific evidence and build a science perspective not only for Yog and Ayurved but for the entire Vedic knowledge and wisdom. We shall lead the world in finding solutions for complex problems besetting humanity through the fusion of science and spiritualism.

Writing this book has been a very challenging, difficult and responsible work for me. The task of scientific documentation, analysis of benefits of Yog, representation of Yog as per scientific standards, compiling the experiences of people and psychosomatic study of effects of Yog on about 100,000 people was very complex and labour intensive. Today, Yog has reached more than a billon people and 200 nations with the help of media and is being practiced extensively the world over. The self-centred, ill-minded and egoist people with power have been questioning the benefits of Yog in the absence of scientific evidence. This is our first attempt to present Yoga backed by currently available scientific evidence obtained with our limited resources. The goal is far more ambitious and the task of scientific documentation and research is an ongoing process. We will continue with the research and shall present new facts as they become available. We are also determined to carry on this mission till Yog reaches each and every individual of the world and gets complete scientific recognition. We aim to conduct research and analyse the benefits of Yog at personal, social, economic and international levels at the Patanjali University. This book is the outcome of meticulous work put in by us in order to present various scientific standards used to test and validate this ancient system of Yog demographic study and personal experiences of several hundred people along with sufficient supporting proofs and documents. When the task is so huge, possibility of errors cannot be ruled out. Therefore, we humbly request the learned readers, intellectuals, and scientific and medical fraternity to come forward with their suggestions and point out the mistakes so that they can be rectified in the next edition. I invite you all whole-heartedly to participate in this noble mission for the welfare of all human beings.


Chapter 1-Historical Background of Yog7
Chapter 2-Different Dimensions of Yog 11
Physical Aspects of Yog11
Three Guiding Principles for Good Health13
Transformation of Physical Body with Yog15
Pran (Vital Life Force) and its Role16
Why We Need Pranayam18
Mental Aspects of Yog19
Spiritual Aspects of Yog24
Chapter 3-Role of Pranayam in Yog Practice and its Effectiveness28
Pranayam in Vedas and Upanishads 31
Mechanical Analysis of Pranayam
Techniques popularized by Swami Ramdevji33
Some rules for Practising Pranayam45
Useful Bandhs in Pranayam46
Seven Techniques of Pranayam as
Popularized by Swami Ramdevji Maharaj47
Bhastrika Pranayam48
Kapalbhati Pranayam49
Bahya Pranayam49
Anulom-vilom Pranayam50
Brahmari Pranayam50
Udgeet Pranayam51
Pranav Pranayam51
Other Pranayam Beneficial in the Treatment of Diseases52
Suryabhedi Pranayam52
Chandrabhedi Pranayam52
Ujjayi Pranayam52
Karnarongatak Pranayam52
Shitali Pranayam53
Sitkari Pranayam53
Nadi Shodhan Pranayam53
Chapter 4-World Takes to Yog with Swami Ramdev54
21st Century rediscovers Yog/Pranayam54
A Ray of Hope for People in Despair56
Glimpses of Yog Camps
Organized in Different Places57
High Profile People of the World
Find a Common Platform in Yog58
Children are the Future of the Nation62
Yog for Defence Personnel63
Yog in Prisons, Transforming the Criminals64
Chapter 5-A Bold Initiative in Scientific Research on Yog65
Prana-Nano technology of Medical Science66
Yog and Parameters of Modern Science69
Yog Camps organized for Challenge of Science70
Parameters Used in Yog Camps and Participating of Medical Practitioners70
Details of Participants72
Effect of Yog/Pranayam on…72
Respiratory System and Related Diseases72
Blood Circulation System 75
Blood Pressure83
Endocrine Glands and Related Diseases85
Patients of Diabetes85
Kidney Diseases87
Analysis of Different Diseases and Physical Irregularities in different Participants of Yog Camps89
Yog Caps Organized Specially for Clinical Trials to study92
Effect of Yog/Pranayam on
Body Weight93
High Blood Pressure93
Heart Patients94
Lung Function94
Thyroid Function94
Arthritis Profile95
Cancer Patients95
Anaemia Patients96
Diabetes Patients96
Lipid Profile96
Liver Function97
Renal Function98
Effect of Yog/Pranayam on Bone Mineral Density99
Effect of Yog on Sports Medicine102
Yog Science Camps in UK106
Chapter 6-Stress: Origin, Cause and Effect115
Stress the Root Cause of All Diseases115
Nervous System/Brain and Stress116
Psychological Aspects of Stress and its Effect on Body123
Effect of Pranayam on Stress Hormones129
Study of Psychophysiological Effects of Yog Training on Healthy volunteers and those with Metabolic Syndrome139
Psychosomatic Effects of Yog-A Pioneering Study Based on Large-scale Survey150
Chapter 7-Appalling State of Health in India159
Gravity of diseases in media 159
Main drawback in Western medical system162
Study of Cost Involved in the treatment of various Diseases using Modern Medicine163
Chapter 8-Feedback/Testimonies of People Benefiting from Yog/Pranayam167
Heart Disease178
Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C, Liver Cirrhosis186
Gynaeological Disorders193
Renal Calculi/Renal Failure204
Obesity and its Complications 206
High Blood Pressure211
Disorders of Nervous System215
Lung Disease222
Eye, Ear Throat Diseases224
Incurable Skin diseases226
GIT Disorders230
Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis234
Hyper and Hypothyroidism237
Other Incurable diseases242
Chapter 9-Rediscovering Yog, Rising Public Awareness and Role of Media252
Role of Electronic Media in Yog Revolution252
Swamiji's Message of Positive Life through TV253
Role of Print media255
Role of Radio256
Role of other Mass Communication Media257
Chapter 10-Patanjali Yogpeeth
Future Plans258
**Contents and Sample Pages**

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