The author of this book Shri Rameshwar Das Gupta was born in Narela on the 16th of April 1923. He came into close ocntact of Acharya Bhagwan Dev (Now known as Omanand Saraswatiji Maharaj) at the tender age of eleven. He started to practice Yog under his guidance and was also interested in the welfare of society.
In the beginning Shri Gupta did some asana like 'Padm Asan', 'Baddha-Padm Asan', 'Chakr Asan', 'Shirsh Asan', 'Tad Asan', etc. and later on practised meditation.
One day while meditating he felt although he was being lifted up into the air where he experience a great bliss in roaming around beautiful gardens.
In 1936 - 37 he started business. For 40 years he was continuously in business and discharging his family obligations. But throughout he maintained strict discipline regarding his life-style and food-habits along with that he kept up his practice of 'Yogasans'
In 1980 he wrote 'Yog Rashmi' and then as he went on perfecting the practice of Yog he wrote five more books namely 'Yog Chetna', 'Yog Pravesh','Yog Jiwan', 'Dainik yog' and Motapa Aur Budhapa. On demand of many readers all these books were published in English also 'Yog Rashmi' was translated into Marathi and Urdu as well.
This undertaking was taken up by the author for the physical and mental well-being of humanity. Just as the elements of sunlight air and water do not differentiate between human beings so do these books which are meant for every irrespective of caste, creed or religion, age or sex.
The writer wishes that the books should help everyone.
This book called 'Yog for the Spine' deals with 'Asans' which are directly related to the spine, the practice of which is easy as well as extremely beneficial.
In March 1984, I started to correspond with Dr. Om Prakash Anand of Kanpur who runs an 'Ashram' for 'Yog'. This aroused in me a desire to see the Yog centre and to meet the person.
I went to Kanpur on the 25th of May 1984 and saw the 'Dev International Yog Centre' situated in the Motijheel area of the city. There I saw more than one hundred patients undergoing yogic treatment. I watched the process for about three to four hours.
I was very impressed by what Dr. Om Prakash Anand was doing. He was doing all this with complete dedication for the good of humankind.
In our discussions Dr. Anand told me that Maharshi Devmurtiji had discovered the secret of these Asans. He himself had learnt them from the Maharishi and was since practising them regularly. I was so impressed by his talks and demonstrations that I myself started the practice of these asans regularly.
On the 21st of Iuly 1984 I went to Rohtak, in Haryana and met Swami Devmurtiji. I discussed with him, in detail, the asans affecting the spine. I also demonstrated to him the asans. He approved of them highly.
On the 19th, 20th and 21st of January 1985, Shri M.C. Bhandari had organised a conference for spiritual discussions. During that time I met Dr. Jagdish Chandra Johar who is in charge of the nature cure section under the aegis of the Gandhi Smarak Nidhi. I discussed with him the asans connected with the spine.
D•r. Jagdish Chandra Johar told me that these asans were discovered by 'Yog Yogeshwar Mahaprabhu Ramlalji Maharaj', Mahaprabhu Ramlalji Maharaj had also a book published on them. Dr. Johar gave me a copy of the book. I found that the book had been published. by 'Siddha Gupha Yog Ashram', Sawain (Agra). I studied the book very carefully and found that the discoveries of Mahaprabhu Ramlalji and Yog Maharishi Devmurtiji were complementary to each other.
On the 15th, 16th and 17th of March 1986 a camp for Yog was organised in 'Dharam Bhawan', South Extension Part-I New Delhi-ll0049. Swami Devmurtiji carne to the camp and explain- ed all about the asans connected with the spine.
On the 10th of August, 1985 a Sanyasi named Swami Haribhakta, came to me from the Siddha Gupha Yog Ashram. I had a discussion with him regarding the asans connected with the spine and he removed whatever doubts I had in my mind. We decided that on the 25th of August, 1985, I would go to a fair organised by the Siddha Gupha in Sawain (Agra).
I, alongwith my wife and friend Sri Manohar Lal Garg, reached Sawainat 11 A.M. on the 25th of August. There I met Swami Haribhakta and was introduced to Guru Chandra Mohanji Maharaj. In that place I descended into the cave where Yog Yogeshwar Mahaprabhu Ramlalji Maharaj used to do his 'Sadhana' (practice with full concentration). While I was sitting there I felt inspired to write a book on these asans connected with the spine, on the basis of my personal experiences, so that they could be propagated and circulated among people.
Regarding the human spine Swami Devmurtiji says "The fifth and fifteenth Vertebrae of the human spine are always under great pressure. As a result of that, people can neither sit nor stand straight. People have really forgotton to flex theirspines, Wrong diet and wrong postures have resulted in great harm to themselves. They take medicines to suppress their ailments as a result of which they become chronic patients.
The spine is a very important part of the anatomy of the all creatures who have it. It is the spine which helps the body to, make movements like standing, walking, sitting, flying etc.
The human spine has 33 vertebrae. The spine is very much like a bicycle chain, that is the vertebrae are joined one to the other at equal distance. The spine loses its flexibility if the distance between the vertebrae increases or decreases or if one gets joined to the other. That results in pressure on the spine, its disfiguration and many other diseases.
You must have seen many people walking with a stoop. This stoop is the result of the disfiguration of the spine.
If special asans are performed regularly for the spine then the disfigurements disappear, the distance between the vertebrae gets properly regulated, the pressure vanishes resulting in good health.
Swami Devmurtiji has divided asans of the spine into twelve categories, but I have divided these into sixteen according to my practice and experience. Thus this book contains sixteen Asans.
If these asans of the spine are practised everyday for even four or five minutes many diseases can be completely cured. All these asans can be easily practised by both sexes, children and also people who are ill. They are beneficial for everyone. They help to cure the sick and keep the healthy permanently so. These asans are so simple that they can be practised by a bed ridden person to regain his lost health.
These simple asans can be learnt only within three or four days by everyone.
Dr. Om Prakash Anand says that one should begin by practising Asans six, seven and eight in this book. They should be done in that numerical order. All these three asans are very beneficial. After practising these for some time one should start with the first and go on adding in the same numerical order. My own experience also says the same thing.
Regarding Spinal Asan Six, Seven and Eight a Sadhika says "Practice of these three Asans is particularly helpful after child birth and can be safely started after your Post-Natal Check."
These asans of the spine should be done in the morning after the evacuation of the bowels and on the empty stomach. They should be, practised slowly without any hurry. Sudden jerky movements should be avoided. If they are hurriedly done then a sudden movement can cause pain.
People who suffer from insomnia should do the asans six, seven and eight, just before retiring and three hours after the last meal. The duration should be just a minute each. This will help to induce sleep.
People suffering from constipation, should drink a glass of water, cold or warm, according to their taste as soon as they leave bed. After drinking water they should practice asans six, seven and eight. This will relieve constipation. The bowels would be cleared and after sometime they will be rid of constipation.
These asans of the spine help to remove stoops back ache and cramps in the back. They are very useful for people suffering from sciatica and spondolosys. The displaced nerves of the navel come back to the right position. They also help people to get rid of gas trouble, constipation, lethargy, insomia, obesity diabetic and nervous disorders.
People suffering from hernia should not hold their breath while doing this asan, they should breath normally.
Menstruating or Pregnant women should not do this asan.
People suffering from Ulcer, Heart disease or angina should avoid this asan.
My experience tells me that the practice of these asans of the spine for just five to ten minutes a day helps to keep a person healthy and active. They are extremely beneficial so all of us should practice them. A'person would realise the full benefits of these asans only after practising them regularly for sometime and I would feel happy for having written this book.
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